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If you burn glass, it will not melt like other materials such as plastic. Instead, it will turn into a different form of glass known as "glassy carbon." This material can be used for various applications like electrodes and semiconductors.

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Q: Would anything happen if you burnt glass?
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What would happen to a cold empty glass if it was placed in a hot humid room?

The cold glass would cause the air around it to cool, resulting in condensation forming on the glass due to the high humidity in the room. This condensation would appear as water droplets on the exterior of the glass.

If ice forms on the forms on the outside of the glass?

If ice forms on the outside of the glass, it is likely due to condensation from the air coming into contact with the cold surface of the glass. This can happen when the drink inside the glass is colder than the surrounding air temperature. It is a natural occurrence and can be prevented by using an insulated glass or coaster.

Pour water into the glass until it is full what do you think will happen if you add more water into the glass?

If you add more water into the glass once it is full, the water will overflow and spill out of the glass. This is because the glass can only hold a certain amount of water before reaching its capacity.

How does acetone hurt glass?

Acetone can cause glass to become cloudy or hazy by reacting with the surface of the glass, creating small cracks or imperfections. This can happen when acetone is in contact with the glass for an extended period of time or when the glass is exposed to acetone fumes. Additionally, acetone can dissolve certain types of glue or adhesive materials used to bond glass components together.

What happens when you mix glass and rubber?

When glass and rubber are mixed together, they do not chemically bond. Glass and rubber have different properties and do not typically adhere to each other. The resulting mixture would likely separate into distinct glass and rubber components.

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What will happen if the eye is not there?

You would have to have a glass eye.

What would happen if you sharpened a knife with a block of glass?

it would sharpen

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What us a glass?

Glass is sand that has been burnt, idk how it gets tht color tho

If you cut a peice of glass into 4 pieces what would happen to its density?

Cutting a piece of glass into four smaller pieces would not change the density of the glass. Density is a property of the material itself and remains constant regardless of its shape or size.

What happens when glass-wool is burnt?

Not burning, but a melting process.

What is the Latin word for glass?

Vitrium. Anything containing the pre-fix vitro, would suggest a relevance to glass.

What would happen if you ate glass?

it will tear up all your insides and die

What would happen if you where to put ice cream in a glass cup and then put it in the freezer would it crack?

Highly unlikely.

What cools faster glass bottle or can?

Considering cans are metal and metal is a better heat conductor than glass (any cook will confirm that from years of burnt fingers) then I'd say GLASS would be able to cool quicker. It's easier for glass to loose thermodynamic energy than metal.

If carbon tetrachloride were frozen in a glass bottle what would happen?

If carbon tetrachloride were frozen in a glass bottle, it would expand as it freezes, potentially causing the glass bottle to crack or shatter due to the pressure buildup. Additionally, the extremely cold temperature could pose a risk of thermal shock to the glass, further increasing the likelihood of breakage.

What would happen to a cold empty glass if it was placed in hot place?

The glass would likely shatter due to the rapid change in temperature causing thermal stress. Glass is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, and placing a cold glass in a hot environment would cause uneven expansion, leading to the glass breaking.