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If composting follows proper procedure, then it'll be the organic matter called humus in 21 days to a year. The amount of time depends on the turning. A minimum of a turn each day should give the desired results in less than a month.

But this assumes that bedrock and gravel will be left to natural weathering processes. However, mechanical means of pulverizing bedrock and gravel would be faster than breaking compostable materials down into humus, for use as a soil amendment, fertilizer or mulch.

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Q: Would bedrock compost gravel or plastic turn into soil the fastest?
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Can gold be found in gravel?

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What is sand and gravel our zoning allows sand and gravel Would this allow crushing of loose bedrock to become such?

You're talking about driveways, right? As in your zoning says you can have either a concrete drive, an asphalt one or a sand & gravel one? Gravel is crushed rock, and they say "sand and gravel" because gravel almost always has sand in it. Crushed loose bedrock would be fine.

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What is the definition of bedrock?

The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel.

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It is usually called bedrock. When bedrock is very close to the surface it is often referred to as ledge.

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No. They can only pick up grass, dirt, sand, gravel, etc.

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Can you produce flint in minecraft by dropping gravel on a torch?

Yes it is actually the fastest way to get flint from gravel. There is a small chance to actually get flint from gravel ether way.

How do separate a mixture that has dirt gravel plastic and is salty in taste?

First dirt, plastic, gravel are deleted by filtration. The solution is evaporated and a salt is obtained as a residue.Again add water: gravel is sedimented in water, plastic floats and both can be separated; dirt is separated by a new filtration.

Does bedrock turn into humus?

No. Humus is organic matter, and formed over the years as living organisms (mostly plants) die and decompose in the soil. It is about 58% carbon, by weight. Bedrock can decompose, too, but it never becomes humus. Depending on the type of bedrock, it breaks down into sand, silt, gravel and clay minerals. Limestone bedrock may dissolve.

What is a gravel vacuum?

A gravel vacuum cleaner is a long rubber tube connected to a larger plastic cylinder that sucks out fish waste and food that are on or below the gravel in a fish tank.

What kind of compost mix do you buy for roses to put in a tub?

Aged garden is the kind of compost mix to buy (or make) for roses in a tub. Gravel needs to be on the bottom, which then is topped with a mix of one-third each of clay, decomposed compost, and sand for proper aeration, drainage, moisture, nutrients, and weed control.