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Q: Would find out time you were born?
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Is it true that Jesus born on Dec25?

no he was born a round october time as December is also there winter time so the sheep would not be out ,and the shepherds would not be in the fields at that time of the year.

Who was the first to be born during in World War 2?

That information was not tracked at the time. I don't think you can find an answer. WW2 in Europe started September 1, 1939 at about 4:45am local time. The first to be born, would be someone born on September 1st, at 4:45am (Central European time) or later. Birth Certificates, when they had them, did not always refer to a time of day.

How would you find the average speed of an cyclist during an entire race?

Find the distance of the race. Find the cyclist's start time. Find the cyclist's finish time. Elapsed time = Finish time - Start time. Average speed = Distance/Elapsed time.

How often are pit bulls born?

Every time - you'll never find a pit bull that was not born.

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Massachusetts is in the Eastern Time zone.

What time or in the bible says that Jesus was born?

Jesus was not born on December 25. He was born at a time when shepherds would be out with their flocks at night, which is not in December, even in

When was holden born?

Given the context and time of the story, Holden would have been born about 1932.

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I was born in 1955 and want to retire early how do I find out how much my benefits would be

How old are you if you were born in 1965 and its 2013?

You would be 47 or 48 years old depending on what month and day they were born. The person would be 48 if the birthday is before the date at the time, the person would be 47 if the birthday is after the date at the time.

What did the poor eat in Mary queen of Scot's time?

They Would Eat Scarps That They Would Find

If the hen does not sit on her eggs all the time what would happen?

They would be drawn to there father when born.