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a wet log because its slippery which causes less friction.

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You would encounter a weaker frictional force while walking on a dirt trail compared to crossing a wet log bridge. The dirt trail has more friction due to the rough surface and solid ground contact, whereas the wet log bridge becomes more slippery when wet, reducing the friction between your shoe and the surface.

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Q: Would you encounter a weaker frictional force walking on a dirt trail or crossing a wet log bridge explain?
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How important is frictional force in walking?

Frictional force is crucial in walking as it helps provide the necessary grip between the feet and the ground to propel the body forward. Without sufficient friction, walking would be difficult as there would be a lack of traction to keep the body stable and in motion.

What is the use of frictional energy?

Frictional energy is the energy that is transformed into heat when two surfaces rub against each other. It is useful in everyday tasks like walking and driving where friction helps to provide grip and traction. In some cases, frictional energy can be considered wasteful and efforts are made to reduce friction to improve efficiency.

What is a frictional events?

Frictional events are interactions between surfaces that resist motion when in contact with each other. This resistance is caused by the force of friction, which opposes the direction of motion and can lead to heat generation. Examples include rubbing two surfaces together or walking on the ground.

When a person walks on a rough surface the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person is opposite to the direction of the motion?

Yes, when a person walks on a rough surface, the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person acts in the direction opposite to the person's motion. This friction helps to prevent slipping by providing the necessary frictional force to keep the person moving forward.

Why does friction act in the direction of your motion when you are walking?

Friction acts opposite to the direction of motion when walking in order to push against the ground and propel you forward. As your foot pushes back on the ground, the frictional force between your foot and the ground resists this motion and provides the necessary traction for walking.

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How important is frictional force in walking?

Frictional force is crucial in walking as it helps provide the necessary grip between the feet and the ground to propel the body forward. Without sufficient friction, walking would be difficult as there would be a lack of traction to keep the body stable and in motion.

What is j walking?

Crossing a street against a light, or crossing at a place that is not designated a crosswalk.

What is an example of favorable?

One of the most important frictional forces to humans is the static frictional force that the ground exerts on a body. Without this force, walking would be impossible, cars would go nowhere.

What is an example of favorable friction?

One of the most important frictional forces to humans is the static frictional force that the ground exerts on a body. Without this force, walking would be impossible, cars would go nowhere.

Why is jay walking illegal?

Jay walking is illegal because it is easier to prevent people from getting hit by cars if people know where they are supposed to be crossing rather than them just crossing whenever.

When can you catch a walking stick on Animal Crossing City Folk?

Usually dusk I find them on trees

Explain what is the definition of locomotor movement in walk?

the act of walking

How can you explain how Salinger uses the walking motif as a vehicle of introspection?

By walking he thinks about all the things going on around him

What does a pedestrian crossing look like?

A pedestrian crossing sign is often portrayed in the united states as a yellow diagonal diamond with a black bubbled headed stick figure walking across it.

When a person walks on a rough surface the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person is opposite to the direction of the motion?

Yes, when a person walks on a rough surface, the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person acts in the direction opposite to the person's motion. This friction helps to prevent slipping by providing the necessary frictional force to keep the person moving forward.

What are three superstition?

Not walking under ladders not crossing the path of a black cat Find a penny, pick it up

Why does friction act in the direction of your motion when you are walking?

Friction acts opposite to the direction of motion when walking in order to push against the ground and propel you forward. As your foot pushes back on the ground, the frictional force between your foot and the ground resists this motion and provides the necessary traction for walking.