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One's preference for living in either Sparta or Athens of ancient times must depend very much on one's own particular values and principles. Those who most admire social stability, military excellence, and a strict, fixed code of conduct will likely prefer Sparta. Those who place more emphasis on individual choice and initiative, artistic and philosophical excellence, and fluid codes of conduct will likely prefer Athens.

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parta-women excersiced and built up their bodies . Athens-women planed their lives & where to busy to excersice Their primary role in society was that of wives and mothers.Athenian women, by contrast, were never heiresses.Sparta-women excersiced and built up their bodies . Athens-women planed their lives & where to busy to excersice Their primary role in society was that of wives and mothers.Athenian women, by contrast, were never heiresses.

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Q: Would you prefer to have lived in Sparta or Athens?
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Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

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No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He lived in Athens, where he became known for his philosophy and teaching methods.

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Yes most people who lived in Athens did have plenty of food but Sparta did not

Would you rather lived in Sparta or in Athens?

This depends entirely on who you are - women were far better off in Sparta as opposed to Athenian women who were housekeepers and child-rearers; Sparta had serfs who were mostly free on their own farms, Athens had slaves; Spartan citizens lived for military service, supported by the serfs, Athenian citizens had to work at a job and also do military service. Take your pick.

Would you rather have lived in Athens or Sparta?

This depends entirely on who you are - women were far better off in Sparta as opposed to Athenian women who were housekeepers and child-rearers; Sparta had serfs who were mostly free on their own farms, Athens had slaves; Spartan citizens lived for military service, supported by the serfs, Athenian citizens had to work at a job and also do military service. Take your pick.

Did socrates live in smarta?

No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in Athens.

How many people lived in Sparta in 400 bc?

Even counting its helots, Sparta's population did not come anywhere near Athens' quarter million.

Did Marc Antony live in Sparta or Athens?

Marc Antony lived for a while in Athens, along with his wife, Octavia. The Athenians honored them both with statues and inscribed plaques.

Was ancient Sparta or ancient Athens better?

This first requires identification. What is better - better at what? Both were warlike. Both had strong religious observances. .Sparta lived on its serf population and was a limited democracy. Athens lived on its slave population and the other city-states of its empire, and developed a radical democracy which it was exploited by its aristocracy.

Where did the ancient Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in Greece. The normal house was a courtyard with rooms around it. Most Greeks lived near the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and in southern Europe. Some citys they lived in are Athens, Sparta, and Crete. They inspired many cultures from their beliefs.

Affect the Persian Wars had on the economy and political makeup of Athens and Sparta?

The wars did not affect the political make up -Sparta continued as a limited democracy and Athens developed a radical democracy of their own making. Economically, Sparta continued to live on the serf population which gave half their produce to Sparta, Athens converted the Delian League it had led against Persia in the latter stages of the war, into an empire of its own, and lived high on the proceeds mulcted from those city-states.