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c program for implement a stack using two queue First push the given elements in stack1... then pop those elements and push them in 2nd stack... now pop the elements from this stack... thus implemented queue

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14y ago
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12y ago

#include < stdio.h >

#include < conio.h >

#define MAX 10

int stack[MAX],top;

void main()


char ch;

int choice,item;

void display();

int pop();

void push(int);








printf("\nEnter your choice(1-3):");




case 1: printf("\nEnter the item to be inserted:");





case 2: item=pop();

printf("\nThe item deleted is %d",item);



case 3: display();


default:printf("Wrong choice");



printf("\nDo you want to continue(y/n):");



}while(ch=='y' ch=='Y');



void push(int item)




printf("Stack Overflow");






int pop()


int t;



printf("Stack Underflow");

return -1;




return t;


void display()


int i;

printf("\nThe Stack elements are:");

for(i=0;i < =top;i++)



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14y ago

//Class for Stack - Linked List implementation Class Stack { public: STACKPTR *stackptr; Stack(); ~Stack(); Protected: struct Element { int data; struct Element *next }; typedef struct Element *STACKPTR; Public: bool push(int data); bool pop(int* data); }; Stack::Stack() { stackptr = NULL; } Stack::~Stack() { while(stackptr) //delete all elements { STACKPTR temp = stackptr->next; delete stackptr; stackptr = temp } stackptr = NULL; } bool Stack::Push(int data) { //add nodes in front of Linked list STACKPTR newNode = new Element; newNode->data = data; if(!newNode) return false; newNode->next = stackptr; stackptr = newNode; return true; } bool Stack::pop(int* data) { STACKPTR temp; if(!stackptr) //stack is empty return false; temp = stackptr; *data = stackptr->data; stackptr = stackptr->next; delete temp; retrun true; }

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8y ago
AnswerThis is a homework assignment. write homework assignments for you because you need to do this yourself or you will not learn the skills that the assignment is trying to teach you.

However if, while trying to do your assignment, you find a specific problem that you need help with, WikiAnswers will help you with these specific questions (e.g is this 'xxxxx' C++ statement correct).

Answervoid CreateStack_Core (your_stack_type &stack, int nhas, int nreq)


if (nhas

AddElement (stack);

CreateStack_Core (stack, nhas+1, nreq);



void CreateStack (your_stack_type &stack, int nreq)


CreateEmptyStack (stack);

CreateStack_Core (stack, 0, nreq);


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9y ago

Supposing you have a class named foo and you wish to create a stack of foo objects using pointers, you would use the following declaration:

std::stack<std::unique<foo>> my_stack;

Note that the stack takes ownership of the pointer, thus when you pop a foo from the stack, the object is automatically destroyed. Therefore you should only pop the top stack element when you are actually done with it.

If you wish to use shared ownership, use std::shared_ptr instead. The same rule applies, but objects are only destroyed after a pop if there are no other references to that object.

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13y ago

/* Static implementation of stack

using Array and local variables

and structure*/



#define MAX 5

struct stack


int arr[ MAX ]; //array to be treated as stack

int top;


typedef struct stack stack;

void push( stack *, int );

int pop( stack * );

void display( stack );

void main()


stack stk;

int val;

int choice;

//initialization (initialize stack to be empty) = -1;




clrscr();printf("\n**** Stack Opertions ****");printf( "\n1) Add Element" );printf( "\n2) Delete Element" );printf( "\n3) Display" );printf( "\n4) Exit" );printf("\n\nPlease enter your choice(1/2/3/4):");scanf("%d", &choice );switch( choice ){case 1 :printf("\nPlease enter the element"\" to be added : ");scanf("%d", &val );push( &stk, val );break;case 2 :val = pop( &stk );if( val != -9999 ){printf("\nThe element deleted"\" is %d", val );}break;case 3 :display( stk );break;case 4 :printf("\nFinished with stack operations : ");break;default:printf("\nIncorrect choice!!!! ");}printf("\nPress any key to continue : ");getch();}while( choice != 4 );return;


void push( stack *sptr, int val )


// CHECKING IF THE STACK IS FULLif( sptr->top -1 )


printf("\nThe stack is empty!!!");}



printf("\t%d", stk.arr[ ] ) ;}




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12y ago

Yes, please do.

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