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Payslips come in many shapes and forms so it is not possible to provide a fully-working example without some additional information. However, the basic information on any payslip will be the employee's name, reference number and tax code, hours worked and at what rate, gross pay, tax, NI and nett pay, along with the year-to-date totals. Thus in order to create a payslip, you must draw this information from a database and format it so that it all prints within the bounds of a blank, pre-printed payslip.

For additional information I would suggest asking one of the many C++ programming forums. However, no-one is going to write the program for you unless you pay them handsomely. So do as much as you possibly can by yourself and only ask when you're stuck with a specific problem.

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Q: Write a programme in C plus plus for creating a payslip?
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Write a program in c plus plus to implement macro processor?

Don't write, it is already written, google for 'cpp'.

Write a programme in c plus plus sort in ascending methods?

Use a std::set or std::multiset to sort elements automatically. The std::set container does not permit duplicates -- std::multiset does permit duplicates. The default sort order is ascending, providing the element types support the less-than operator. You can also provide your own comparator to change the order.

How do you write program to convert meter to kilometer in c plus plus?

Divide it by 1000.

Write a program in c plus plus to compute first of non-terminal?

there is no solution of this problem...........that's it..........

How many classes can we write in a single c plus plus program?

Its limited only by available memory.

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