

Best Answer
  1. Detailed descriptions
  2. Epithets adjective phrases that illustrate a certain quality of a thing -- if used repeatedly, an epithet becomes a stock phrase
  3. Invocations addresses to a higher power or authority
  4. Catalogues long lists of items or people
  5. Beginnings "in medias res in the middle of the action"
  6. Repetitions
  7. Epic similes extended or expanded comparisons
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dude no you can do your exam by urself :)

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Q: Write an essay that explains several of the devices employed by bards when reciting oral poetry before an audience?
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What devices do bards use while reciting poetry to an audience?

Detailed descriptionsEpithets adjective phrases that illustrate a certain quality of a thing -- if used repeatedly, an epithet becomes a stock phraseInvocations addresses to a higher power or authorityCatalogues long lists of items or peopleBeginnings "in medias resbeginning in the middle of the action "RepetitionsEpic similes extended or expanded comparisons

What are persusive devices?

Persuasive devices are techniques used in communication to influence and sway an audience's beliefs or actions. Examples include emotional appeals, rhetorical questions, repetition, and evidence-based arguments. These devices are used to make a message more compelling and convincing.

What is a slanter in rhetorical devices?

Slanters are forms of rhetorical misdirection designed to derail the audience from using logic and focus on emotion.

What are the devices used in the poem the boy who loved ice cream?

The poem "The Boy Who Loved Ice Cream" does not specifically mention any devices by name. However, common devices used in poetry include metaphors, similes, imagery, and rhyme. These devices may be employed in the poem to enhance its meaning and evoke emotions in the reader.

Why are rhetorical devices important to writers or speakers who want to persuade?

A rhetorical device is a use of language that is intended to have an effect on its audience. Repetition, figurative language, and even rhetoricalquestions are all examples of rhetorical devices.

What rhetorical devices that were in Charles foster Kane speech?

In Charles Foster Kane's speech, he uses rhetorical devices such as parallelism, repetition, and imagery to emphasize his message and capture the audience's attention. His speech also includes elements of pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade and connect with his audience emotionally, logically, and ethically.

How did dramatic devices affect the audience in An Inspector Calls?

suddenly inspector come in to party where arthur birling celibrating the engagement of his sister shella

What literary devices were used during the renaissance?

Literary devices commonly used during the Renaissance include metaphors, similes, personification, and allusions. Writers from this period often employed these devices to convey complex ideas, emotions, and themes in their poetry and prose. The Renaissance was characterized by a revival of classical literature and a focus on individual creativity and expression, leading to the innovative use of literary devices in works of art.

Which company produces the d510?

Vivitek produces the d510. It is a digital projector that you can connect to other devices in order to show your presentations and other projects to a wider audience.

Which of these literary devices is being used when there's a situation in which a character is unaware of something that the audience knows?

dramatic irony