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Q: Write three different methods to clear Accumulator?
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Which instruction is used to clear accumulator if content is already there in that accumulator?

To clear only Accumulator & not the Flag Register, you can use: 1) ANI 00 H 2) MVI A, 00 H To clear both Accumulator as well as Flag Register, use: LXI H, 0000 H PUSH H POP A.

Four Ways to clear accumulator of 8085?

The four ways to clear the accumulator in the 8085 are...XRA AMVI A,0SUB ALDA {address of a zero}Answered By:KUNAL SINHARead more: What_are_the_4_ways_to_clear_the_accumulator_in_8085_microprocessors

Why use different methods in research?

it helps you make things more clear to understand.

Write a subroutine to clear the flag register and accumulator?

MVI A,0ADI 1MVI A,0The first MVI only clears the accumulator. The ADI adds one to it, clearing the N, Z, O, C, and P flags. The second MVI clears the accumulator again.It is possible that I have the sense of the P flag backwards. If so, replace the first MVI with MVI A,2 and the P flag will be correct.

What is xra in 8085 microprocesssors?

Exclusive OR with Accumulator. The results are then placed in the accumulator.

What are two logging methods?

There are three different types of logging methods. 1.clear-cutting 2.slective-cutting 3.shelter wood Thank you:)

Why do you need to write brackets after such command as getName in java?

The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.

What are the 4 ways to clear the accumulator in 8085 microprocessors?

I think its SUB or SUI (subtract contents from accumulator) You could just do, mvi a, 00h

What different methods are used in deforestation?

Different methods of deforestation include clear-cutting, selective logging, burning, and bulldozing. Clear-cutting involves removing all trees in an area, while selective logging targets specific tree species. Burning is often used to clear land quickly, and bulldozing involves pushing trees over and uprooting them.

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Clear is a internet providing company for consumers. Consumers review different products and write about them so other consumer will know how good the product is.

How do you clear a write only disk?

you can clear the data from a write only disc by formatting the disc

What are different hassle-free methods for pigeon control?

If you observe different areas that pigeons seem to gather you can do a few different things to try and clear them away. Check out this website for a few different ideas: