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Because plague is so rare in the United States, a doctor may miss the diagnosis at first, especially if the person gets sick outside the Southwestern United States where plague is most common. If your doctor suspects you might have plague, he or she will ask whether you recently noticed a flea bite, whether you have been around wild rodents or whether you have recently traveled to an area of the world where plague is common. Your doctor also might ask whether you recently have been in contact with a dead animal or whether you have been treating a pet that has been extremely ill. To confirm the diagnosis, blood or other body fluids can be tested to look for evidence of Y. pestis bacteria infection.

With proper antibiotic treatment, most symptoms of uncomplicated Bubonic Plague will subside within two to five days; although, swollen buboes can remain for several weeks. Recovery from more severe septicemic plague and pneumonic plague usually takes longer, depending on the severity of the patient's bleeding problems, respiratory failure and other potentially life-threatening symptoms.

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Q: Yersinia pestis is transmitted by fleas that jump from infected rodents What disease does it cause?
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How do you get the plague?

The plague, also known as the bubonic plague, is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and is typically spread through the bites of infected fleas carried by rodents or through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or tissues. Avoiding contact with infected animals, using insect repellent, and practicing good hygiene can help prevent the spread of the disease.

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The disease is transmitted from animals to humans.Plague infects wild rodents, especially rats, and is transmitted animal to animal and occasionally to humans by flea bites.As infected rats die, their body temperature drops, and hungry fleas jump to nearby sources of warmth and liquid blood.Signs and symptoms of the plague: elevated fever, flulike symptoms at first, buboes, which were orange sized, septic shock, cardiovascular collapse.

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No, the plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is a naturally occurring disease that has affected human populations throughout history. It is primarily spread through fleas that infest rodents.

The vector of transmission for Bubonic Plague is the?

Bubonic plague is usually transmitted by infected fleas. These fleas typically live on rodents, in particular rats.

What is the vector of the Bubonic Plague?

The disease is transmitted from animals to humans.Plague infects wild rodents, especially rats, and is transmitted animal to animal and occasionally to humans by flea bites. The flea is the vector.

What caused the Black Death according to modern science?

The Black Death was caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis, which is transmitted through the bites of infected fleas carried by rodents. It is believed that the plague originated in Asia and spread to Europe through trade routes during the Middle Ages. The bacteria caused a devastating pandemic in the 14th century, resulting in the deaths of millions of people.

Was the black death a natural disaster?

The Black Death was caused by the spread of the Yersinia pestis bacteria carried by fleas on rodents, particularly rats, and transmitted to humans. While it was a devastating pandemic, it is considered a disease outbreak rather than a natural disaster like earthquakes or hurricanes.

What is the scientific name for Bubonic Plague?

AnswerThe Black Death is believed to have been caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, and the disease is called bubonic plague. AnswerThe Black Plague was caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, which was formerly Pasteurella pestis. The disease vectors were rodents, especially rats, and fleas. The Black Death or Black Plague was a specific outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe during 1346 to 1351.

What can Bubonic Plague cause?

The main way to cause this plague is by bacteria called yersinia pestis. The bacteria is spread by bites of infected fleas and rodents. It can also be carried by other small animals. Side effects are headaches, fever and swollen lymph glands.

Why was the toilet?

the toilet was invented to make the world a more hygineic place to live in and to stop spreading a deadly disease called bubonic plague which was caused by bacterium and yersinia pestis the deases vector were rodents ECT. Rats And Fleas!!

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