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I am also 35 weeks pregnant and have had those on and off for the last 2 weeks. It was my right side at first, feels like the riib and it ached all the time especially when I touched it, it was super tender. Now it's my left side and same location, under the rib or rib, I can't tell. Spoke to the doc about it and said that I shouldn't worry about it and that it's just the uterus putting a lot of pressure on my ribs. I know what you're going through and it's SO uncomfortable but just keep changing positions and it will hopefully go away soon.

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6d ago

Yes, it's important to call your OB when experiencing sharp pain during pregnancy, especially if it's under your ribs and tender to touch. It could potentially be related to conditions like round ligament pain, gas, or more serious issues like preeclampsia or gallbladder problems. Your OB can help diagnose the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

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Q: You are 35 weeks pregnant and have a sharp pain in your left side It almost feels like it's under my ribs When I touch the area it's very tender Should you call your OB What could this be?
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