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you could have a light period wait until next month-no period then you should go to your doctor and ask for a blood test

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Q: You are 5 days late with your period 2 negative pg tests you have this morning very light pink slimy discharge bleeding what could this be?
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If you have negative pregnancy test with missed period and bleeding are you pregnant?

Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

Will you have brown discharge for days if you have implantation bleeding?

Yes, it very well can be implantation bleeding, it is usually lighter than a period.

What does it means when you discharge and blood comes down at the same time one week before your period?

If you're bleeding that likely is your period, maybe spotting if it is light. You always have discharge, including during menstruation, and you will bleed on your period.

Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

What is the symptoms that your period is ending?

you stop getting cramps and the bleeding gradually gets lesser

I started my period on the 25th it ended the 29th and then I started having pinky discharge but only when I wiped could that be implantation bleeding or is my period just not over?

It could be your period...... or ending your period

Is it normal to get brown discharge 4 days before period in virgins?

Yes, it is completely normal to get brown discharge for four days before your period, this is spotting which is just light bleeding as your period starts. A virgin is absolutely no different to a non-virgin.

What are the symptoms to cervical cancer?

There are quite a few, like abnormal bleeding(not normal period bleeding), increased discharge, pain or burning sensations when urinating, and pelvic pain.

Heavy period then watery after come off?

Most menstrual cycles start off with what appears to be a lot of bleeding in the beginning. Towards the end there can be little to no bleeding with a watery discharge.

Can you be pregnant if you have Abdominal cramps increased milky discharge late period but negative pregnancy test?

Yes you can take a pregnancy test that is negative and still be pregnant. As far as the milky discharge, that may be an infection.

What does it mean if you are on the Nuva ring and expecting your period and are having brown discharge?

When you're on hormonal birth control, the amount and color of withdrawal bleeding may be different from your period when you're not on birth control. Brown discharge counts as a period when you're on the pill, patch, or ring.

Is a pinkish mucus discharge still considered implantation bleeding?

pink blood in discharge is but doesn't always mean your pregnant cause i got it then got my period 2 weeks later