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Yes. These may be warning signs of an early miscarriage (depending on how much bleeding and how long it lasts). Cramping and bleeding may also be associated with implantation in early pregnancy (when the pregnancy "grows into" the uterine lining and the placenta begins to form.) Some cramping, from mild to moderate, is normal in pregnancy as the uterus grows and the woman's pelvic organs begin to move. Many women have spotting or bleeding after sex during pregnancy as well, due to increased blood flow to the cervix.

The only way to know for certain if you are pregnant is to take a home pregnancy test AFTER your missed period (or two weeks after you think you conceived.) Some home tests may be positive for some women as early as 10 days after conception, though it may take longer for the test to turn positive for many women.

Your doctor or midwife may be able to get a slightly earlier result on a blood test. If you've had a positive urine test at home (or three or four positives!), going to the clinic for another blood test is not going to change the result. Similarly, an ultrasound won't reliably show the pregnancy until about 5 weeks, and won't give any useful information until 6-8 weeks.

There really is such thing as "a little bit pregnant," and though it's normal to want answers right away, early pregnancy is an example of "only time will tell," and it's best to just wait it out. That said, severe cramping or pain (especially on one side of your belly and not the other) or bleeding heavier than a period (soaking into your clothes) are important warning signs to let your doctor or midwife know about right away.

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Q: You are cramping and bleeding can you be pregnant?
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Answer If ur cramping and bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant it could be two things: a miscarriage or you thought that you were pregnant and you were just really REALLY late. IF CONFIRMED PREGNANCY, CALL DOC IMMEDIATELY OR GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM.

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yes maybe ur pregnant

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Same as when you are pregnant there will just not be any embryo or sac coming out. The cramping and uterus changing lining and bleeding will still be there.

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if that's the only bleeding you have than more than likily that was i.b.

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Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.