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There are tons of reasons for this, it is completely normal! If you think you could be pregnant, do a test, but most likely, you are just having a late period.

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Q: You are eleven days late why aren't you having your period?
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24 days pregnant and having a period?

if you have your period you are not pregnant

Could you be pregnant by being sick to your stomach and not be having your period for one month and eleven days?

It's possible that you could be pregnant. I would recommend that you take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.

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You had unprotected sex and two days later your period started usually your period lasts four to five days but it lasted almost eleven does that mean you had a miscarriage?

it means your vag is broked.

Was it implantation bleeding or period if you bled shorter and lighter two days before period is actually due ovulating eleven days and having intercourse seventeen days prior?

well implantation bleeding is usually light pink,brown or light red and it is light spotting that doesnt usually last more than two days.and it usually happens before your period. i hope this information helped you.

I'm eleven I've been having discharges every day will I have my period soon?

White discharge commonly occurs three to five days before the start of your period. This happens because hormonal changes can increase the mucus produced by your vagina, so maybe??

Is a blood test for pregnancy accurate eleven days before a period?

A blood test is accurate at any time.

Can i be pregnant i only had mt period for 2 days and its usually 7 days?

there is a 56 percent chance that you are and a 44 percent that you arent. It might be that there is a problem in your vagina or your old.

If you had brown spotting for two days eleven days after a period ended is this considered implantation bleeding?

No, It could mean that your getting your period again I would suggest to put on some pads until it stops or talk to your docter about this

What does it mean when you bleed for 7 days?

Nothing. You are just having a period.

What is the nutural method of family planning by concerning the monthly period dates?

having sex two days before and five days after monthly period

Can you get your pirod just after 20 days after having your period?

can a women get her pirod after 20 days she get it a gain after sex