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Yes. If you both are Rh+ that means that one of each of your Rh genes is +, but the other could be -. This is called heterozygous, meaning you each have one Rh+ gene and one Rh- gene (+,-). Then there is a 25% chance that your child will be Rh-.

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Q: You are o pos your wife is o pos can a child be o neg?
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What is weak D antigent?

It is alsoreferred to as Rh factor in blood. So you've heard of someone saying they're type A blood or type O blood. You would put the Rh factor after that and it can be a positive (having Rh factor) or a negative (not having Rh factor). So an example would be A pos or O neg blood types.

If you have O positive blood and your panter has O neg. blood what would your kids have?

It is hard to tell if your blood type is dominate and your partners blood type is recessive them the child could have O positive blood, but if your blood type is recessive and your partners blood type is dominate then the child could have O negative. Sometime the child could get a completely different blood type eve if their parents do not have it. There is no way you can tell.

If father is A1 ve and mother O ve what are the possible blood groups does their child will have?

A+ve A1+ve O+ve

What happens when a tire filled with air goes over a bump?

The air compresses. It is able to do this because air is a gas, so the molecules are spread out much more than in a liquid or solid. Here's an asci diagram of particle spacings for you:o = moleculeSolidooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooLiquido o o o oo o o o oo o o o oo o o o oGas-----o------------o--o--------o---------oo---o-----------o---------o-----------o-o----------o------------o-----------------------o--- is just empty space (can't put in multiple spaces :P)

Is the o on a water chemistry formula a zero or a letter o?

It is the element symbol O which represents oxygen.

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If one parent is O pos and one is A pos can child be B neg?

No, it is not possible for a child to have B negative blood type if one parent is O positive and the other is A positive. Blood type inheritance follows specific rules, and in this case, the child would inherit either O or A positive blood type.

If both parents are A positive blood types can the child be O positive?

Yes, the possibilities are A pos or neg and O pos or neg, see the related link.

What are differences between blood types?

Blood type A+ positive cand donate to people that have types A+ or AB+. They can receiver blood from Apos & neg, O pos & neg. Type O+ can give to O+ A+ B+ AB+ & only receive from O pos & neg Type B+ can give to B+ and AB+ and receive from B pos & neg; O pos & neg. Type AB+ can give only to AB+ and receive from EVERYONE A- (neg) can give to A pos & neg; AB pos & neg & receive from A neg & O neg. O- (neg) can give to EVERYONE and receive only O - (neg) B- (neg) can give to B pos & neg; AB pos & neg and receive from B- and O- AB- can give to only AB neg & pos and receive from AB-, A-, B-,O- **Type O blood is the universal blood type and is the only blood type that can be transfused to patients with other blood types **There is always a need for Type O donors because their blood may be transfused to a person of any blood type in an emergency

When O positive man marries an A Negative girl will their child have health problems?

Mixing blood types will not any impact on the health of a child, only the resultant inherited blood type. This particular mix will produce a child with an A pos or A neg or O pos or O neg blood group.

If you have blood type O neg and your wife has O pos how is it possible for your baby to have B pos?

*Note from asker: Both my parents and at least one brother have B pos blood... Possibility of a throwback gene?

What blood types and rh facors produce o neg?

O negative blood type is produced when a person inherits two O alleles and has a negative Rh factor. This means the person's blood lacks A, B, and Rh antigens, making it compatible with all blood types during transfusions.

Can a B positive mother and a AB positive father produce a O negative child?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a MOTHER.Available information:Father type O pos -- can only be OO with Rh (++) or (+-)Genes: O, (+), (-)Baby type O neg -- can only be OO with Rh (--)Baby receives one gene from each parent: Mother must contribute an O and Rh (-)Blood type AO with Rh pos (+-) or neg (--)Blood type BO with Rh pos (+-) or neg (--)Blood type OO with Rh pos (+-) or neg (--)With the father contributing an O and (-) gene, the mother mus contribute the other O and (-); therefore the mother can be Type A pos/neg, Type B pos/neg or Type O pos/neg, with Type O neg being the best case of getting the O neg baby.

If an O negative male and O positive female have a child will the mother or child need a shot or special care?

No, if the male was O pos, the female was O neg, and the baby was O pos, then the mother might need a Rhogam shot. A rhogam shot prevents a "neg" mom from developing antibodies to her "pos" baby which could cause a miscarriage. It's really no big deal, just a little shot.

If the parents are blood Type A neg and Type O pos could they have a Type A pos child?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mother type A neg --can be AA or AO with Rh (--) = contributes A, O, (-)Father type O pos --can only be OO with Rh (++), (+-) = contributes O, (+), (-)Baby receives one gene from each parent: Baby is type AO with Rh (+-) or (--) = Type A pos/negBaby is type OO with Rh (+-) or (--) = Type O pos/negYES, these parents could produce a Type A positive child.

What is the description of blood type of a?

Blood type A has A antigens on the surface of red blood cells and B antibodies in the plasma. A person with blood type A can receive blood from donors with blood type A or O, and can donate to recipients with blood type A or AB.

What can blood group O positive and O negative produce?

depends on the complete o pos, if they are o ++ all are o pos, if o + - one is o pos and one could be o neg