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Not being healed is not always about lack of faith. You may both have plenty of faith, but it may not be God's plan to heal you, or it may not be His timing. In other words, God may heal you at a later time, and just wants to teach you to wait patiently in faith.

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14y ago

I personally think you can have faith and not be healed. In the Bible, Timothy had health problems which I believe Paul mentioned near the end of 2 Timothy. (I don't have a Bible with me to find the references, or quote.) He said something like: drink a little wine as well as water, for your poor health.

Also, Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed (i.e. very small) you could tell the mountain to jump into the sea and it would happen. The way I understand this is that with very small faith we can see very big things happen - we don't 'earn' miracles with big faith, because we only need small faith to see miracles happen. So long as we have some faith at all, God may do almost anything. So I wouldn't ask "do I have enough faith?" because God doesn't work that way, provided you have some faith.

I would also refer you to Jesus parable of the widow denied justice by the unjust judge. When he explained the parable, he said that if you persistently, continuously ask, you receive. So when you ask for healing and still feel pain, do not think that God will not heal you or that you are considered unworthy of His attention. You ask again, and again, and trust that whatever God is up to, He hears you and wants the best for you. And no one knows the mind of God, so at times no one can explain why He does what He does. Sometimes when things seem wrong and you can't understand why, you just have to accept that God is a mystery.

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Q: You have faith that you will be healed if pastor pray for you but you still feel the pain and does that mean the pastor and the one being has no faith at all?
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