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The needle doesn't actually touch the atoms, but you can their outlines.

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yes, through very powerful scanning tunneling microscopes.

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Q: You can see atoms using a scanning tunneling microscope?
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What is the maximum magnification of a microscope?

one can make images of atoms using a scanning tunneling mcroscope.

What does a scanning tunneling microscope allow scientists to see?

The scanning tunneling microscope scans samples using a very fine metallic tip.

What microscope allows scientists to view individual atoms?

You're probably thinking of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope. It's kind of a mistake to say "view", though. "Detect" is better; visible light is not involved (the pictures are actually computer images generated based on the data).

Can we see things made of atoms?

Not really. We can "trace the outline" of a single atom using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), but that's it. The STM can investigate the atomic surface structure of a prepared sample using an extremely fine probe and some tight electronics with computer control. Use the link to see what Wikipedia says about this piece of gear. That link is below.

Can atoms be seen using electron microscopes?

An atom can be imaged using an electron beam, since the wavelength of the electron beam is smaller than the atom. This is also the reason it can't be seen using a powerful microscope: the wavelength of light is larger than an atom.

When using a scanning probe microscope do you see atoms directly or only indirectly?


Can atoms be seen by a microscope?

No. to viewing a phenomenon you need to send light (photon) to it and then see reflected light( photon) as the atom particles (electron,neutron,proton) are in order of photon, your sent light changes their conditions and you see none

Can scientists observe single atoms?

Yes. Using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (or some variant thereof), individual atoms can be mapped.

What is a particle or an atom?

Particle is a generic term that can refer to any little thing from an electron to a quark to a proton to an atom to a molecules to a little speck of junk. Relative to everyday experience, atoms are minuscule objects with proportionately tiny masses. Atoms can only be observed individually using special instruments such as the scanning tunneling microscope. Over 99.9% of an atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus

What is a sentence using scanning?

I can give you several sentences.A scanning electron microscope can see an atom.He is scanning the prices with a laser.We are scanning the room for our friends.

Does using a scanning electron microscope kill specimen?

i think it will be

What is the benefit of using a laser scanning confocal microscope?

There are many benefits associated with using a laser scanning confocal microscope. The main advantage is to obtain pictures one would not normally be able to receive at such depths.