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Hello, Yes it could be a sign of pregnancy.

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15y ago

Just cramps are not the sign of pregnancy, have a urine test done to confirm it.

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Q: You have had period like cramps for two weeks could this be early signs of pregnancy?
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Are vaginal cramps like yoru period is coming an early sign of pregnancy?

Abdominal cramps can indicate pregnancy, Ovulation, approaching period & UTI. Vaginal cramps is most likely caused by a yeast infection.

Would it be pregnancy or an early menstruation if there is vaginal discharage accompanied by lower back pain and cramps - last period was two weeks ago.?

It very well could be pregnancy.

Is it unusual to have period cramps in the first month of pregnancy?

Yes, mild cramping is normal in early pregnancy. For me it felt like that little bit of cramping I would get just before my period would start, the mild cramps that let me know bigger cramps would be coming. Only in early pregnancy, bigger ones shouldn't come. Mild and slightly uncomfortable, but not excruciating and dibilitating in the way period cramps can sometimes be.

Is slight cramps normal in early pregnancy?

Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.

Can you have period cramps in early pregnancy?

Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.

Does early pregnancy bleeding involve cramps?

I had early pregnancy bleeding and cramps at about 3 days after i discovered i was pregnant, i was about 4 weeks gone, the cramps were really bad, felt like bad period pains and it was all in the bottom of my back, it stopped after 4 days and everything is fine still

Is feeling abdominal discomfort like period symptoms during around 9th day after ovulation in a 30-day cycle an early sign of pregnancy?

you could be feeling or have felt slight attachment pain, some women feel period like cramps when the fertillised egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. it could be a early sign of pregnancy but does not indicate that the pregnancy will attach successfully in which case the egg will leave with your normal period.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if you are having contraction-like cramps?

I have contraction like cramps,and I just found out I was pregnant, but a good idea wood be to take a HPT to determine the pregnancy,If it says negative and you still haven't started your period wait a week and try again, if you still haven't contact your doctor.

I started my period two weeks early and i have no cramps at all and its a very light period i feel sick though like wanting to throw up sometimes is this because of my period and why is it so early?

It could be a sign that you are pregnant.Your "period" might actually be implantation bleeding.You should wait and do a pregnancy test when your normal period is expected

Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.

I had a early short period bad cramps lasting for days dizziness sore boobs and headaches is that a sign for pregnancy?

Might be. Best to go see a doctor. Then they can do a pregnancy test and also check for other disorders that could have similar symptoms.Answercan a girl have a period after she has been in-pregnated Answerdoes a pregnancy test tell you right away that you are pregant

Is it normal to feel cramps during early pregnancy?

Hi, I would have to say yes . When I was pregnant i felt cramps in early pregnancy due to my body was strecthing and shifting into place for the baby. Or the cramps could be due to early contractions which are there for preparing the body for the real thing months later. But to be sure you should go to your ob/gyn to check up and make sure you and the baby are okay.