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It was because the killing curse actually "killed" the part of Voldemort inside Harry, not Harry's soul itself. It only killed the part of Voldemort's soul, and that's how come Harry had an option to live again with just his own, pure, untouched soul. Also, it was because of Lily's sacrifice for her only son, it mentions in the book that because of the sacrifice :Lily made, it kept harry tethered to life, and Voldemort seeing as he used harry's blood but it didn't work after all the horcruxes were destroyed (not sure why...) EDIT: JKrowling recently added some information about this event on her website. Voldemort could not kill Harry bacause the wand Voldemort used, was actually Harry's, so it wouldn't hurt its owner. It only hurt the part in Harry that was not his. This is also why the cruciatus curse wouldn't hurt Harry, because the wand wouln't hurt his owner.

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Q: You read Harry Potter book 7 and don't understand why the killing curse didn't actually kill Harry in the forest Was it because of the wand or because he was dying to save the world?
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Did Harry Potter die because he was a Horcrux?

No, he didn't die because he was Horcrux. Had he not been a Horcrux the killing curse would have killed Harry, instead of just the Horcrux.

Why Harry Potter is famous?

He is the only wizard/witch to have survived the killing curse. He then destroyed Lord Voldemort and saved thousands from dying.

What are the killing curses used in Harry Potter?

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How did Voldemort die in the deathly hollows?

His own killing curse backfired on him, because he used the elder wand on its own true master, harry potter.

What languages does Harry Potter know how to speak?

Harry can speak Parseltongue, which is snake language. He could do this because part of Lord Voldemort's soul was inside him. Once that piece of soul was destroyed Harry couldn't speak or understand Parseltonuge. It is unknown if he ever learned a foreign language.

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What is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two rated?

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Did Harry Potter love killing Lord Voldemort?

No, it was something he was actually trying to avoid doing.

Can Harry Potter's children survive the killing curse to?

Harry Potter survived the killing curse because his mother died to save him, he didn't have a unique abilty that nobody else had or that could be passed onto his children. Given that there probably won't be another dark wizard who doesn't understand love trying to murder Harry's children it's unlikely they would ever survive it.

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No because he doesn't actually exist.

Why didn't Harry Potter died at the end when valdmort?

Because the Killing Curse didn't reach him, it fell back to Voldemort.

Do you have to see the other Harry Potter movies to understand Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Yes, but then you should also read the book to understand it because the films don't tend to make sense to those who only watch the films.

Does Harry potter ever use the killing curse?


Do you have to read Harry Potter in order?

yes you do otherwise you will not understand anything because they all go so in dept

Did Harry Potter die because he was a Horcrux?

No, he didn't die because he was Horcrux. Had he not been a Horcrux the killing curse would have killed Harry, instead of just the Horcrux.

Why Harry Potter is famous?

He is the only wizard/witch to have survived the killing curse. He then destroyed Lord Voldemort and saved thousands from dying.

Did Harry Potter get his scar by a sunburn?

no, Actually, Lord Voldemort put a killing curse on him, but got reflected back to himself. Little Harry barely escaped with a mere scar.

What are the killing curses used in Harry Potter?

Avada Kedavra