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Q: Your 17 year old son still needs potty training any advice?
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Should my daughter get spanked while potty training by her step dad?

hell no..he is not your child's dad and she is still training give her a chance

Kid wear diapers untilhow old should a?

a kid should be in diapers at least till its 16 years old but still quite earl a 20yo is better suited to potty train also good is to skip potty training fully

Potty Training on a Budget?

The time has come to put away those diapers and start potty training. This can be both exciting and intimidating to some parents. The entire process will go a lot smoother if a plan is in place. From making sure the child is ready to use the potty, to knowing the essential items needed to begin the process, it is necessary to plan ahead. The first thing to think about is what kind of potty to purchase. There are all kinds of fancy potties on the market. Some play music when the child goes potty in it, others have book holders on the sides. Those can be expensive, and are unnecessary. Potty seats that attach to the regular toilet are inexpensive and will work just fine. If a little potty is a must-have item, there are plain potties that will work just as well as the fancy music playing ones. They are more expensive than the potty seat but a little internet searching can result in some substantial savings. The potty seat is still the most budget-friendly solution. Another concern is the type of training pants to use. Disposable training pants are much like diapers and are a life saver when those dreaded accidents occur. The down side is they are as expensive. Cloth training pants are another option. They are thick and the child is able to feel when they are wet. This helps with the whole training process. They can be easily washed and reused. Accidents tend to get a little messy, but the money saved compared to disposable diapers makes it well worth the cleanup. Regular underwear is another option. The child can definitely tell when they are wet, again helping teach when they should use the potty. Underwear are very inexpensive and come in fun character designs the kids will love. Potty training does not have to be an expensive ordeal. Purchasing a potty seat over a potty chair, and choosing cloth training pants or regular underwear over disposable training pants will save a great deal of money. It might add a few extra loads of laundry, but the family budget will come out way ahead.

Why is home the best training ground for developing skill in decision making?

Because your family can support you and give you advice when you are still young.

Tips for Potty Training Girls?

Potty training is an important step in your toddler's life for you to climb and conquer together. Time and effort will be needed to teach your child to use the potty and ditch those diapers for good. It can be a little easier when potty training girls over boys but you will still need to be consistent, persistent and extremely patient.Her Very Own Potty SeatPurchase a cute and comfortable potty seat that will interest your child and make her want to use it. Place it in the bathroom near the toilet and allow her to explore the new chair. Let her sit on it fully clothed and while wearing a diaper at first. She will be more likely to use it if she becomes familiar with it. Be sure to let your daughter know that the potty seat is her own special chair. You may want to write her name on it and let her put some of her favorite pretty stickers on it to really make it her own.Set an ExampleChildren learn by observing and imitating. Get your daughter toddler diapers that are made to be able for her to pull up and down easily on her own. She can get used to wearing regular underwear while still be protected from accidents. Let her know when you need to go potty and allow her to be in the bathroom to see how you pull down your pants and sit on the toilet. An important aspect of potty training girls is to teach them to sit down to go and always wipe from front to back. Encourage your toddler to copy and be like you by doing the same on her own potty seat.Motivation Is KeyNever push too hard and put undo pressure on your child. Learning to use the potty should be a positive, pleasant experience. Hold her interest in using the potty and keeping her underwear dry by reading her stories or watching DVDs together on the subject.The accomplishment of going in the potty can be an exciting event. Acknowledge your daughter's success with a smile, praise and hugs. Celebrate her progress by letting her shop for the big girl' panties of her choice.

How can you tell when your baby is ready to be potty trained?

When the baby/child can understand your commands. Such as, 'come here' or 'clap your hands'...etc. Then you should get those little kid toilets and show your kid when ever then need to go potty go their. It takes time since some kids don' have any idea what your trying to get them to do, but practice makes perfect. If they still don't know how, or understand how to start to endure potty training, then it's ok. Just wait and someday they will know, they are still young and they aren't required to learn to potty train when they're one or two years old.

Can hamsters eat their potty litter from the litter box?

Yes. Hamsters are just like guinea pigs. Their "potty" still has nutrients that can be helpful to their body. Hamsters' food also may not have enough nutrients, and that is why they may be eating their "potty."

When Your Child Refuses To Be Potty Trained?

Sometimes parents rely too heavily on parenting books and, in an effort to keep up with the Baby Joneses, start potty training too early. This often leads to a long, frustrating training period for children and parents alike. But the last thing you want to do is give up when you've spent weeks, maybe months, encouraging your little one to try his or her hardest. Instead, re-focus on these helpful tips.1. Make it fun. There are a variety of potty training books and videos on the market for your little own to enjoy. Sometimes, successful potty training comes down to your toddler being a willing participant.2. Be consistent. Don't potty train only when it's convenient for you as a parent. Scheduled potty breaks are also recommended, for instance, once every hour.3. Let your child become familiar with the potty chair. Often times, children are simply afraid to sit on what appears to be a brand new, strange piece of furniture. Allow your child to see you or other family members on the adult toilet. If you have a smaller child who can still fit on the child's potty, have them demonstrate to the younger sibling.4. Be positive, regardless. Even if no progress is made while your toddler is perched upon the potty, they should still be praised for trying. Remember, also, that it's not easy to potty upon demand. Read your child a story while they sit on the potty.5. Give treats. Remember when you were trying to house train the dog, and you gave him a treat every time he did his business outdoors? Rather than Milk Bones, try sugar-free gummy bears or another tasty but relatively healthy snack.6. Dress them appropriately. You don't want your toddler to be upset when he or she cannot unbuckle jeans or peel off two layers of clothing and wets their pants.Above all, be patient. Potty training is difficult, but think of all the money you'll save on diapers. Also remember that someday you will look back on these days as some of the best.

Baby Toddler Underwear?

How to pick Toddler Underwear to "Potty Train In North America and Europe, a baby's potty training begins when he or she is about 24 months old, after the child has become a toddler and has started walking. The entire potty training process takes about two months. During this process, there is a school of thought that the toddler should not wear underwear until the number of his or her 'accidents' while using training pants decreases. There is another school of thought, however, that says a baby should begin wearing "big boy" or big girl" underwear from the first day of the potty training process. Potty training underwear can make the transition from wearing a diaper or training pants to using a real toilet easier for your child, no matter what method of potty training you care to use. So, what kind of toddler underwear should you buy for your child? Step 1: There are many kinds of potty training underwear on the market – disposable, cloth and many others. Disposable pants are very easy to use, so your child will not have a hard time pulling them down whenever he or she has to use the potty. Cloth pants stain easily, but buying the right size can reduce the number of accidents that your child has. Because cloth underwear feels wet against the skin, the toddler may go to the potty more frequently. Step 2: Based on your child's personality, habits and your schedule, decide the type of underwear to purchase. Although there are many disposable brands of baby underwear, many women still prefer to use cloth diapers, just as a personal preference. Step 3: Make certain that the underwear you choose are not tight on your child. He or she has to have the room to pull the underwear up or down, (remember, they are just starting out). If the underwear is too tight, your child will have a hard time pulling them up and down. This will lead to more accidents. If the underwear is too big, when accidents happen, they will leak. Step 4: Make certain that the underwear you buy your child is waterproof, as some popular daytime pull ups are not. Choosing the right pants for potty training can make the transition from diapers to ‘big kid’ underwear much easier. This article reviews two of the most popular training pants on the market.

What is the record for the most distance in potty racers?

The record for the most distance in Potty Racers is 9,594 meters.

Does anyone have any advice or methods for training a six month old Chihuahua puppy when you have tried potty training but it still does not do anything?

I have 2 chihuahuas, both since they were puppies. This is how I went about training them:Potty Pads work pretty good. When they poop or pee where they are not supposed to, scold them by putting their face in their waste telling them that they are very bad. Then put them on the potty pad. If you nice that he/she is sniffing around and acting like it needs to go, put him/her on the pad. If they use it, make a big deal out of it congratulating them.Once they had the potty pad down, show them the outside. When i was first training them, i had gotten this liquid that comes in a small bottle and when you put little drops in the grass it makes them want to potty there. I must warn you, it smells pretty bad. I do not remember exactly what it is called but it can usually be found at a pet store. It does work. Once again, get excited when they go outside.Once you feel they they are going outside consistently, you can start taking the pads away slowly. If you live where there are cold winters you may want to keep a few in the house because chihuahuas, being from a warmer climate, do not like snow or cold whatsoever.I must admit that my chihuahuas are not completely potty trained and i don't think that they ever will be because chihuahuas are just not that kind of breed. I was warned by my breeder before i bought them that chihuahuas do not train well and its a possibility they they will never be completely potty trained, yet i still took on the challenge. since chihuahuas are so small, a house seems so large to them, and because of their size, they see it as a place they can do their business. I have a small penned in area in a part of my house where i will put them when i leave and sometimes at night (if i don't sleep with them). In there they almost NEVER poop or pee because their territory has been shorted dramatically.My best advice to you is to not give up on you little dog! Because when you give up on him/her, she gives up too and looses the will to please you.I wish you the best of luck and sometimes it helps to take obedience classes too.hi! i thank u very much for ur answer to the question i posted! but i dont want to use potty pads,cuz i want her to use it outside... i spank her when she uses it in the house but she just prances off as happy as can be! lol... ive never had this much trouble training any other dog... especially my first dog i got when i was 5 years old... the vet said he cud have been a show dog if he wasnt fixed,but now i need to focus on training this chihuahua

Does Mia Talerico still wear dipers in 2012?

She was potty trained when she was 3 years old