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23ºF = -5.0ºC

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9h ago

The temperature in Celsius is -5°C.

This can be calculated using the formula: °C = (°F - 32) x 5/9

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Q: Your house temperature is 23F what is it in Celsius?
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When the temperature of a sample of water is negative 5 degrees Celsius the water is?

When the temperature of a sample of water is -5 degrees Celsius, the water is frozen and in a solid state.

How many degrees is 23f in Celsius?


What is the house temperature with Celsius?

House temperature in Celsius (centigrade) is 20°C which is 68°F.

What is 23f in degree celsius?

23°F converts to -5°C

What is 5 degree Celsius?

5 degrees Celsius is 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature is 23F less than 8F?


If the temperature inside a house is 25 degrees Celsius and the outside temperature is -6 degrees Celsius how much higher is the temperature inside the house?

It is 31 degrees higher.

What is the temperature in Finland at Christmas?

Depends on the year and which part of the country you're in. In Helsinki the average temperature in December is -5C (23F) to 0C (32F). In the northern part of Finland the temperature stays between -5 (23F) and -18C (-0.4F)

What is 23f IN Celsius?

23ºF = -5.0ºCYou can use this equation to convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C): (F - 32) / 1.8 = C

Where in your house could the temperature exceed 100 degrees Celsius?

The temperature in a kitchen oven can exceed 100 degrees Celsius while cooking.

Is Celsius the opposite of temperature?

No, Celsius is a unit of temperature measurement on the Celsius scale. It is not the opposite of temperature, but a way to quantify it.

What is the temperature of a burning house in degrees Celsius?

The temperature of a burning house can vary widely depending on the size of the fire, materials burning, and other factors. In general, temperatures in a burning house can reach well over 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,832 degrees Fahrenheit).