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sensory receptors - specialized nerve cells

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Q: Your sense organs have specialised cells called?
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What cells carry impulses from sense organs to the brain and spinal cord?

Neurons (nerve cells)

What are the special cells of tes sense organ that receive stimuli from the environmen?

The special cells of the sense organs that receive stimuli from the environment are called receptors. The receptors detect different changes in the surrounding envronment and stimulate the neurons to perform the proper tasks.

How do humans train bodies for a certain stimuli?

Receptors are groups of specialised cells. They detect a change in the environment stimulus. In the nervous system this leads to an electrical impulse being made in response to the stimulus. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.

Are tissues made of organ systems true or false?

An organ is a group of specialised tissues.

What are the cells that carry impulses from the sense organs to the bran and then to the spinal chord?

sensory neurons

Are complex receptors also called sense organs?


Are the sense organs of animals are better than human sense organs?

No humans sense organs are better than animals sense organs.

What are nerves carrying impulses from the sense organs called?

Sensory nerves, or the receptor nerves, as they are only made up of sensory neurons. Receptors are the specialised structures at the end of the sensory nerves that receive the stimuli and convert it into an electrical signal to be conducted by the nerve as a nerve impulse.

What is sense called in Telugu?

Sense has two meanings: Sense as in sensory organs - To feel the touch: Sparsa (telugu) Sense as in common sense - telivi (telugu_

What is the outer layer of skin and sense organs called?


What organs do birds use to sense the world?

One sense that birds have is sight - and the organs used are eyes.Another sense is sound - they sing to one another - so they have some sort of hearing organ, commonly called ears.

What is the synonym for the word sense organs?

Sense organs is not a word, but a phrase. You would have to list the various organs.