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Hardness and density are physical properties, not changes.

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1w ago

The hardness and density of zinc are physical properties, as they do not involve any change in the chemical composition of the substance. Changes in physical properties can be observed without altering the chemical identity of the material.

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Q: Zinc has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 2.5 and a density of 7.13 at 25 is it physical or chemical change?
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What is it example of physical property?

A chemical change such as density, color , hardness

A characteristic of a substance that does not involve a chemical chance such as density color or hardness?

Physical Change

A characteristc of a substance that does not involve a chemical change such as density color or hardness?

physical property

Is hardness a physical change Or a chemical change?


Is hardness physical change or chemical change?

Hardness is a physical change. It does not involve a change in the chemical composition or structure of a substance, but rather a change in its physical properties such as strength or resistance to deformation.

What does the physical change affects?

physical change involves viscosity, conductivity, melting point, boiling point, density, malleability and hardness.

Is density in chemical or physical change?

Density is a physical property.

Is density chemical change or physical change?

It is a physical change.Density is not a chemical property. Instead, it is a physical property.

Is a change in density a chemical change?

Density is a physical property.

How is an chemical change differs from a physical change?

Physical change is the change in which only physical properties changes ,like color, hardness, density etc. Chemical changes affect the composition as well as chemical properties of matter and result in formation of new substance. Examples of chemical changes are : Burning of coal Burning of Paper Electrolysis of water

Is the density of iron a physical or chemical change?

Density is a physical property (not -'change'). It is a socalled intensive physical property of matter.

Physical change involves change in?

physical change involves viscosity, conductivity, melting point, boiling point, density, malleability and hardness.