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Time is a human concept; it has no meaning in nature.

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Q: Did time have a beginning or is it eternal?
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What is the difference between eternity and immortality?

To begin to answer this question we must understand the relationship between life and time. Life is existence, Time is a measure of existence or duration. Life can either be bound by Time or be beyond Time. Having understood this, we consider what Eternal or Eternity means... it simply means without beginning or end i.e. not bound by Time. Thus Eternal Life is Life beyond the constraints of Time. Immortal or Immortality on the other hand means exempt from death. This can be a bit confusing; but if we consider that the death of an entity is a cessation/expiration of the entities Time, then Immortal can be understood as exemption from cessation of Time. In other words, as long as Time exists, an Immortal continues to live. How are Eternal and Immortal similar? Eternal and Immortal both imply a duration of life beyond mortal or human reference... in other words we could say an Eternal or Immortal being has lived and lives forever. How are Eternal and Immortal different? Eternal has no beginning or ending since it is beyond Time; Immortal being bound by Time has a beginning and theoretically an ending ... if and when Time ceases!!! It stands to reason that an Eternal is also Immortal but an Immortal is not Eternal, just as a New Yorker is also an American but an American is not necessarily a New Yorker. We could say that the difference between Eternal and Immortal is in the Quality as opposed to the Quality of Life.

When referring to Christ what does the term eternality mean?

Christ, as God the Son, is eternal. That is He is without beginning or end he exists outside of time. He always was, He is now, and He always will be. The term Eternality is the quality or state of being eternal.

Why did religion begin for mankind?

Without religion humanity wouldn't be aware of its spiritual nature, eternal destiny, and/or moral guidance from the beginning of time.

Did God have no beginning?

No, God does not have a "Time" to him. He was there and we are just to humble ourselves to that fact. Its difficult for us to understand something that doesn't have a beginning because everything we know has had a beginning. But the Bible tells us that God has no beginning and no end.

Is matter eternal?

No, whatever is eternal must be self-sustaining, by definition, because it never had a beginning. If matter were eternal (always having been), then entropy would be infinite.

What is the game after Spyro a new beginning?

the legend of spyro eternal night

What does God is eternal mean?

"God is eternal" means that God exists outside of time and is not limited by time constraints. God has always existed and will always exist, without a beginning or an end. This belief is central to many religious traditions.

When did time begin In Einstein's view?

Originally Einstein (like most scientists of the early 20th century) believed in the Steady State Universe, a theory that assumed that time had no beginning and the universe was eternal.

How do you use eternal as personification?

To personify eternal, you can describe it as a being or entity with human-like qualities and characteristics. For example, you could describe Eternal as a wise and timeless figure who has existed since the beginning of time. Personifying eternal can help create a sense of grandeur and significance in your writing.

What word means no beginning and no end?

A word that means no beginning and no end is infinite or infinity.

What does when in eternal lines to time thou grow'st mean?

When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,

If God was the first person in the whole entire universe did he just appear or something?

The whole idea of God that he is eternal, he has no beginning and no end. He thus was already there in the beginning of time and was always there, although the more one thinks about this, the more difficult it is to grasp.