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High anxiety often follows the words, “Your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).” Concerned about whether their child will require medication, and at a loss as to what other ADHD treatments might be available, parents wonder what they can do. Further exacerbating their concerns are disquieting media reports about ADHD, coupled with unnerving anecdotes from other parents. However, offering solace to parents and children, behavior modification may be the answer.

Based on the premise that children respond positively to rewards and seek to avoid negative consequences, behavior modification progressively shapes a child’s behavior. While it takes many forms and incorporates a variety of terms, parents who implement behavior modification essentially employ three techniques: modeling, positive reinforcement and negative consequences. But first, parents must modify their own behaviors.

The importance of parents maintaining calm and even-tempered demeanors — refraining from yelling and threatening — cannot be overstated. Despite the demanding and overwhelming nature of working with a child who has ADHD, calm parents will communicate more firmly and effectively with their child. Additionally, parents must be consistent in the administration of rewards and negative consequences. Having amended their own behaviors accordingly, parents are then ready to begin modeling appropriate actions for their child.

Setting an example of desired behavior is what psychologists refer to as modeling. Finding their education impeded and their social interactions marred by conduct that includes impulsivity, distractibility and lack of organization, children with ADHD often experience frustration, taking the form of disobedience and other counterproductive behaviors. Modeling the appropriate and desired conduct, parents provide their child a visual pattern to follow and a better understanding of what is expected.

Moreover, by selecting one behavior at a time to correct, and rewarding their child each time he or she presents the correct behavior, parents supply positive reinforcement that assists their child’s development of appropriate behavior. Whether praise, a tangible item or points toward an ultimate prize, children modify their actions in order to attain the reward.

In time, parents then may require the child to exhibit the desired behavior for progressively longer periods of time or on a more frequent basis before providing the positive reinforcement. In so doing, parents gradually work toward terminating the reward as their child successfully learns appropriate behavior. It is then time to begin correcting a different behavior. Equally effective, negative consequences imposed by parents curtail inappropriate conduct as the child seeks to avoid the unpleasant experience by presenting appropriate behavior.

Handled with patience, consistence and love, parents may find behavior modification to be an effective means of managing ADHD in their children.

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Q: Help for Parents: Managing ADHD with Behavior Modification?
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How to Diagnose ADHD in Children?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 8 to 10 percent of school youths and a smaller percentage of adults. The primary symptoms of ADHD include:HyperactivityTroubling focusingInability to sit stillAction without forethoughtWhile most of these symptoms could be attributed to most children, problems arise when the symptoms are so out of control that it affects a child's ability to get along with other children or to maintain focus in school. ADHD can impair a child's academic progress and his social behavior. It is not just a school-related problem. It affects his entire world and the lives of those around him.The good news is ADHD can be treated, but before children are put on ADHD medication, they should be properly tested by a mental health care professional, along with a full physical workup, to ensure chemical imbalances or other physical issues are not the problem. ADHD testing is done through both personal observation and through interviews with major players in the child's life, such as the parents and teachers. The results and observations are calculated to come up with a pattern of behavior that pinpoints to what degree the child is experiencing inattention or hyperactive-impulse behavior and how that is affecting the child's life. Based on those results, a decision will be made as to whether medication is recommended, along with behavior modification and accommodation, or if behavior modification and accommodation is sufficient. Of course, the child could just be naturally enthusiastic and not really ADHD as well. The test will point that out as well.Medicating ADHD children is a controversial topic, but learning to treat ADHD children need not be. By diagnosing the problem, parents and teachers can work together to create a plan of action to help the child manage his disorder without minimal disruption to the lives around him. The ultimate goal is to give the child the tools necessary to cope with the disorder in a positive way.

Things to Know About ADHD Treatment?

In the last few decades more and more children have been diagnosed with ADHD. This diagnosis often frightens parents, and it can sometime completely overwhelm them. They should not let it do so, because ADHD is now treated with a very high success rate by health care professionals. Here are some things to know about ADHD treatment. The standard treatment for ADHD is now a two pronged approach. The first prong focuses on medicating the illness. There are many different kinds of medication that can be prescribed. The second prong is a behavioral modification approach. This focuses on the parent, child, and teacher working together to modify the child’s behavior. Medication The most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD treatment are stimulants. These are divided into two classes. One is the chemical methylphenidate, which is sold under the brand names Concerta, Metadate and Ritalin. The second class is amphetamine, which is sold under the brand names Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat and Vyvanse. Other kinds of drugs that are prescribed for ADHD treatment are designed to affect neurotransmitters. These include medications that target the norepinephrine transmitters. These are sold under the brand names Intuviv, Straterra, and Wellbutrin. The other neurotransmitter-targeting drugs are commonly used for treatment of depression, and they target the serotonin transmitters. Some of these include Aventyl, Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft. Many times physicians will prescribe both stimulants and neurotransmitter-affecting drugs together. These can often work well together to control the symptoms of ADHD. Behavioral Modification Therapy This therapy helps the parents to understand that child’s negative behavior is the result of their disease. It promotes an incentive process to encourage a child’s positive behavior, while consequencing negative behavior. This incentive program follows a three pronged approach. The first is goal setting. The goals are for children to perform tasks and behavior that can be difficult for them due to the ADHD. The second is rewards and consequences. The children receive immediate positive reinforcement for positive behavior and immediate negative reinforcement for negative behavior. The third prong is consistency. The children must have the goals, rewards and consequences in their life consistently and over a long period of time for the behavior modification to become permanent.

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How Well Are You Managing Your ADHD?

Many experts in the research field have discovered that limiting sugar and caffiene in the diet of children with ADHD can help curb symptoms. However, there is no scientific link between diet and ADHD as of yet.

Who do I call to sign up for a Behavior Modification class for my 16 year old son with ADHD His school won't allow him back until he finishes the class.?

Covenant House of Washington has programs 7 NY NE, Washington, DC - (202) 610-9600

How does ADHD differ from disruptive behavior disorder?

ADHD is a attention and hyperactivity disorder. Disruptive behavior means that they act out in ways that they are not supposed to because they do not get what they want or know what they want. Usually someone with ADHD will just have a problem sitting still in one place for to long or focusing on something for to long.