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Q: How do you determine the gradient of a ramp?
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Did the height of the ramp increase the distance the car rolled?

if the ramp forms a very steep gradient, definately the car will roll for a longer distance. On the contrary, if the gradient formed by the ramp is gentle, then it will roll for a shorter distance

What is the FAA requirement for the maximum slope of a passenger boarding ramp?

In order to comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), the maximum ramp gradient is 1:20

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partial pressure gradient

When there are different amounts of a substance on either side of the cell membrane is a what gradient results?

When there are different amounts of a substance on either side of the cell membrane the gradient result is called the concentration gradient. The permeability of the cell membrane will determine which substances can easily pass through the cell causing a change to the concentration gradient.

A student is conducting an experiment to determine how far a ball will roll down a ramp based on the angle of incline. What are three possible controls for this experiment?

The material of the ramp, the volume of the ball, and the mass of the ball.

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If the graph, from left to right, is going upwards, with an increasing gradient (slope) then it is undergoing growth. If it is going downwards, with a decreasing gradient (slope) then it is undergoing decay.

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The height of the land, and the scale of the map

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Explain what is meant by the ramp method of measuring viscosity.?

HAHA. i came here to look for the answer. After to looking through my textbook a bit i was able to determine that the ramp method is a method of measuring viscosity in which you pour a liquid down a ramp and time how long it takes to get to the bottom, can be used to compare different substance's viscosity.

What are three possible controls when student is conducting a experiment to determine how far a ball will roll down a ramp based on the angle incline?

You can control a lot during this experiment. You can control the weight, size, and density of the ball and the angle of the ramp, to just name a few.

Will a toy car go faster down a wooden or metal ramp?

If these ramps are the same gradient and length then in theory it should be the metal as its surface is smoother so there is less friction

What is the difference in the concentration of a substance across a space is called concentration?

Concentration Gradient