

how is water able to defy gravety?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: How is water able to defy gravety?
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What is gravety?

the attraction by the earth

How does water defy gravity?


Whats earths gravety?

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What is a good sentence with the word gravity?

The water seemed to defy gravity.

How fast will gravety pull water?

Gravity has the exact same effect on water as it does any other substance. In "Earth-normal" gravity, it pulls with a force of approximately 9.8 Neutons per gram.

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The Motorala Defy has a large display and thousands of apps that are sure to keep you busy. Its also, dust proof. As well as water proof and scratch proof.

How do you write a sentence with the word defy?

a good scentence for defy is, "i would not defy my fathers orders."

What part of speech is the word defy?

The word defy is a verb. Defy means to reject or to refuse.

If you go in space you grow bigger?

True because there is know gravety holding you down

How do you turn a strap?

by creating an unobstructed mechanism, able to defy gravity and then allow you to turn the strap in the manner you wish