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Q: How many seconds does it take for your pupils to adjust in dark conditions?
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What happens if you have slow pupils?

If you have slow pupils it probably takes longer for you to adjust to the light and dark.

Why can't you see after the lights go out?

It takes a few seconds for your pupils to adjust. In the dark your pupils open very wide to catch all the available light and they contract in high light levels (like sunlight) This adjustment takes up to a few seconds.

How takes seconds after exposure to headlight glare for the pupil to adapt once again to dark conditions?

a few seconds

What does your eye look like in the dark?

in the dark the pupil of your eye that is the central black part widens a lot. this helps it to recieve ads much light possible. that is why when u enter a dark are it takes time for your pupils to adjust to the lack of light.

What happens to pupils after entering a dark room?

your pupils gets smaller

Cat's eye vs humans eyes?

It can see better, and it has a tapetum lucidum in the back of its eyes which reflects light and makes their eyes appear to glow in the dark. Their pupils adjust to get more light and see better in the dark.

Why don't dogs have pupils?

All dogs have pupils, there eyes are just extremely dark.

When a person enters a dark room from bright light he can not see anything clearly for sometime and starts seeing slowly because?

Your pupil's have to adjust from the light to the dark so your pupils will get bigger in a dark room.

Does using heroin change the size of your pupils?

Well, they don't dilate, they become pinpoint. When pupils dilate, it means they get bigger.

How can you adjust your eyes to the dark within 5mins?

Close your eyes for 30 seconds then open them and you should start to be able to see things

How many seconds after exposure to headlight glare for the pupil to adapt once again to dark conditions.?


How many seconds after exposure to headlight glare for the pupil to adapt once again to dark conditions?