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A great piece of home decoration or equipment, which is ideal for anyone looking to entertain in a casual setting, would be a pool table.� While a pool table is a great addition to any home the table and enough space for appropriate game play can take up quite a bit of space.� Because of this it is important to take several things into consideration when purchasing a pool table.

The first factor to take into consideration when purchasing a pool table is the size of the room where it will be kept.� A classic American pool table is considered to be 9 feet long by 4 feet wide.� To ensure that you have enough space around the table to play comfortably, there should be at least a 6 foot radius surrounding the table.� Due to the size requirements of the table, a room you select should be at least 15 feet long by 10 feet wide, or 150 square feet, which is the size of typical bedroom.

If you do not have the extra space for the pool table inside you could also consider housing the table outside.� While most pool tables are intended for indoor use, many can be played outside.� When picking a pool table for outside use be sure to select one that has waterproof felt and support legs.� Also, you will need to purchase a pool table cover that is water resistant and ensure that the cue balls and pool sticks are kept in a safe and covered location.

If you do not have an extra room to place the pool table and do not have a place to put the pool table outside, you could consider utilizing the pool table for additional purposes as well.� Due to their sheer size and height pool tables can also be converted into either work or dining spaces.� Many producers of pool tables also create hard top covers which come in a variety of styles that could be used to match any home decor.�

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What is the best pool table cover for the money?

This is subjective. There are few manufacturers of pool table covers to choose from. A good pool table cover is water-proof, preventing any spills from reaching the table surface. For this reason, most pool table covers are of vinyl. The good table covers have cloth backing and are of heavy gauge vinyl. With normal proper handling, these can last a lifetime.

Where can I buy pool table lights?

I believe that home depot or lowes can help you find the best light for you new pool table. They usually have many choices for you to choose from. Good luck.

Who can you call for repair of a pool table in Toms River NJ?

There are professional pool table installers that can be found online with an internet search. This site can't recommend one, but there are a few to choose from.

Who made the first pool table?

It was not a pool table if it only had 4 pockets if it was made since about 1800. A 4 pocket table is most likely a bumper pool table.

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I do not own a pool table.

How do you say pool table in french?

Pool table in french is billard

What is the difference between a pool table and a billiard table -?

a pool table has balls but billard table has balls to play i would reccommed the pool table

How do you make a miniature pool table?

A miniature pool table would be considered a toy, not a pool table. Depending upon the size, it could be made of plastic or wood. To choose a size, determine what size you can purchase the balls needed for the table. A lathe will be needed to make the pool cues. The rest of the table can easily be constructed of wood or plastic, and covered in cheap fabric store felt. There are plans available online for pool table construction. These can be used and scaled down to match the size of the pool balls that have been selected. The scale will be determined by using the same ratio for ball size to rail height and pocket openings as is used on the full size table.

How do you make a pool table?

A miniature pool table would be considered a toy, not a pool table. Depending upon the size, it could be made of plastic or wood. To choose a size, determine what size you can purchase the balls needed for the table. A lathe will be needed to make the pool cues. The rest of the table can easily be constructed of wood or plastic, and covered in cheap fabric store felt. There are plans available online for pool table construction. These can be used and scaled down to match the size of the pool balls that have been selected. The scale will be determined by using the same ratio for ball size to rail height and pocket openings as is used on the full size table.

What is better a football table a hockey table or a pool table?

A hockey table is my opinion.I'd have to say a pool table. Unlike hockey or football, you don't need 2 people to play pool.

Where can one purchase a table top pool?

One may purchase a table top pool table from Sears, Dick's Sporting Goods or eBay. There are many varying sizes and prices available to choose from. Shop around and compare prices for the best deal.

What are the different type of pool games that one can play on a pool table?

There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.