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Adolescence can be a tough time for a teenager. It is a time when our hormones, brain chemicals, and feelings are most out of control. It is also the time in which most psychological problems such as Bipolar disorder or manic depression manifest themselves. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for those between 15 and 24 years of age. This puts troubled teens at an extremely high risk for suicide, cutting and other health risks.

Experimentation with drugs and alcohol exacerbates existing problems. Unfortunately, many depressed teens turn to these dangerous habits to try to escape the aggression, depression, anger and the self-hatred they feel in their lives. Such self-hatred has led to the death of many bright and promising individuals.

There are many ways to tell if you have a troubled teen. Look for symptoms of depression such as withdrawal, change in personality, melancholy and other outward signs of a downtrodden personality. Troubled teens may also lash out at you or may have cycles of extreme highs and lows.

If you believe you may be the parent of a troubled teen, Or if you are a teenager who feels extreme anxiety and depression which leads to thoughts of suicide, seek help immediately. Don’t feel ashamed to share your feelings. Troubled teens should seek out professional help in the form of psychiatrists or therapists. There is nothing wrong with a person seeking out help. In fact, it is a sign of improvement. Listen to the therapist and abide by his or her suggestions. If, for example, a psychiatrist prescribes medication, be sure to follow directions precisely.

If you have a teen who you believe is at risk for suicide, or if you are a young person considering suicide, then contact your local suicide prevention community immediately. Remember that these may be tough years of transition and extreme negative emotions, but by seeking treatment you or your loved one will be able to live a normal, healthy life.

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