

Military Boarding Schools

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12y ago

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Military boarding schools are ideal options for parents who want intelligent, respectful and disciplined children. Students who attend military boarding schools enter the workforce as upstanding, productive citizens, but there are a few things to consider before you begin the process of getting your child admitted into a boarding school.

Should the school be co-ed, all boys or all girls?

This is a problematic question. Co-ed schools are better for a balance in social interaction, but having boys and girls together in class can cause distraction. Choose the school that allows your child to focus. If a co-ed situation has not caused any problems yet, most likely it is not a risk now.

Sending your child to a military boarding school teaches independence, and it is ideal for those with military aspirations. Is the military boarding school based on a certain religion?

Depending on your religious preferences, you may or may not want your child to attend a school that espouses a certain religion. Find out what faiths and principles are inherent in any school you are considering for your child, and decide if these suit you and your child.

Is the academic curriculum adequate, and are the instructors certified?

It is essential that you obtain detailed information about the type of courses available for your child. Good academic schools offer college preparatory courses that teach rigorous math, accelerated science and critical thinking skills. Gather background information regarding the school's faculty, making sure teachers are qualified to do their jobs. Get references from other parents, read reviews about the teachers and attend the open house events. Also, ask for security clearances on the staff. Never entrust your child to people about whom you have any doubts regarding competence and morals.

Find out about the living facilities and the food that is served.

Tour the campus and find out if the living quarters are clean and well-kept. Find out if your child is monitored by security staff at all times, has privacy and has access to qualified counselors. In case of emergency, find out what type of medical care is available and if your child can contact you easily. Try to eat in the cafeteria to get a feel for the type of food served and its nutritional value.

In addition to all the previously-mentioned considerations, you must also ask yourself if you can afford to send your child to a military school. Financial considerations can make or break a situation. Do your homework before you decide if you should send your child to military boarding school; if you decide that this is the right option, make sure the facility is appropriate in every way.

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12y ago

form_title=Military Boarding School form_header=Increase your child's potential by enrolling them in a military boarding school. Has your child ever attended a private school?*= () Yes () No Is your child interested in joining the military?*= () Yes () No What is the highest grade level your child has completed?*= {Pre K, Kindergarden, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade} What made you consider military boarding school for your child?*= _Please Explain[100]

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Here is a website with a comprehensive list of military boarding schools and the ages that they serve:

If my son is probation, can he still get in a military boarding schools?

Please contact your local military service.

Are there any military boarding schools in Alaska?

Yes, there are military schools at United States military bases in Alaska. They are for the children of the men and women who serve in the Unites States military at Alaska based military bases.

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There aren't any military schools in the DC area just for girls. There are plenty of boarding schools and other types but most of the military schools are co-ed or all for boys.

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The best boats for the military schools you'll find in, there you can solve problems with your child and find the best approaches with great discipline and military training

How much do high-end private schools cost?

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