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Puberty is the time during which sexual and physical characteristics mature. Precocious puberty is when these body changes happen earlier than normal.

Alternative Names

Pubertas praecox

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Puberty usually begins between ages 10 and 14 for girls, and ages 12 and 16 for boys. Some African American girls may start puberty earlier, around age 9.

The exact age a child enters puberty depends on a number of factors, including family history, nutrition, and gender.

Often there is no clear cause for precocious puberty, but some cases are due to changes in the brain, genetic problems, or certain tumors that release hormones. These conditions include:


In girls, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 8:

  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • Beginning to grow faster
  • Breasts
  • First period (menstruation)
  • Mature outer genitals

Some evidence suggests that it may be normal for these changes to occur as early as age 7 in Caucasian girls and age 6 in African-American girls.

In boys, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 9:

  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • Growth of the testes and penis
  • Facial hair, often first on the upper lip
  • Muscle growth
  • Voice change (deepening)
Signs and tests

Blood hormone levels, CT scan of the brain or of the abdomen and MRI of the brain or of the abdomen are often used to diagnose the problem.


Medications can stop the release of sexual hormones. Some tumors need to be removed with surgery.


Children who go through puberty too early may not reach their full height because growth stops too early.

Children with early sexual development are more likely to have psychological and social problems. Children and adolescents generally want to be the same as their peers, and early sexual development can make them appear different. This can result in self-esteem problems, depression, acting out at school and home, and abuse of alcohol and illegal substances.

Calling your health care provider

See your health care provider if:

  • Your child shows signs of precocious puberty
  • Any child with early sexual development appears to be having social problems in school
ReferencesStyne DM, Grumbach MM. Puberty: Ontogeny, Neuroendocrinology, Physiology, and Disorders. In: Kronenberg HM, Melmed, S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, eds.Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008: chap 24.
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12y ago

Puberty is the time during which sexual and physical characteristics mature. Precocious puberty is when these body changes happen earlier than normal.

Alternative Names

Pubertas praecox

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Puberty usually begins between ages 10 and 14 for girls, and ages 12 and 16 for boys. Some African American girls may start puberty earlier, around age 9.

The exact age a child enters puberty depends on a number of factors, including family history, nutrition, and gender.

Often there is no clear cause for precocious puberty, but some cases are due to changes in the brain, genetic problems, or certain tumors that release hormones. These conditions include:


In girls, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 8:

  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • Beginning to grow faster
  • Breasts
  • First period (menstruation)
  • Mature outer genitals

Some evidence suggests that it may be normal for these changes to occur as early as age 7 in Caucasian girls and age 6 in African-American girls.

In boys, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 9:

  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • Growth of the testes and penis
  • Facial hair, often first on the upper lip
  • Muscle growth
  • Voice change (deepening)
Signs and tests

Blood hormone levels, CT scan of the brain or of the abdomen and MRI of the brain or of the abdomen are often used to diagnose the problem.


Medications can stop the release of sexual hormones. Some tumors need to be removed with surgery.


Children who go through puberty too early may not reach their full height because growth stops too early.

Children with early sexual development are more likely to have psychological and social problems. Children and adolescents generally want to be the same as their peers, and early sexual development can make them appear different. This can result in self-esteem problems, depression, acting out at school and home, and abuse of alcohol and illegal substances.

Calling your health care provider

See your health care provider if:

  • Your child shows signs of precocious puberty
  • Any child with early sexual development appears to be having social problems in school
ReferencesStyne DM, Grumbach MM. Puberty: Ontogeny, Neuroendocrinology, Physiology, and Disorders. In: Kronenberg HM, Melmed, S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, eds.Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008: chap 24. Reviewed By

Review Date: 08/02/2011

Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

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How do you spell precousses?

precocious?1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age

What is the prevalence of precocious puberty?

Yes. Precocious as defined by is "unusually advanced or mature in development".

What are the symptoms of precocious puberty?

There are no psychological causes of precocious puberty, but there are some physiological causes. The most common cause of precocious puberty are tumors.

Is it normal to start with puberty at age 9?

It would be early for a boy which is classed as precocious puberty. See your Doctor for advice.

Concerned about daughter's precocious puberty?

If you're concerned about your daughter's precocious puberty then it's a good idea to talk to your doctor to see if it is something to be concerned about and whether it is an option to prevent this. Puberty can start as young as 8 years old, but there are girls who enter puberty much sooner, as long as either you or they can manage symptoms of puberty it isn't usually anything to worry about.

Do adolescent girls generally experience mood swings from PMS or precocious puberty?


Are there any organizations helping kids with precocious puberty?

MAGIC (Major Aspects of Growth In Children)

What is the medical condition precocious puberty?

Sexual development before the age of eight in girls, and age 10 in boys.

Will precocious puberty make you have sexual feelings?

Sexual feelings will arise, whether it occurs normally or very early, as in the case of precocious puberty. Any child entering puberty before the age of 8 in girls or 9 in boys, should be seen by a doctor to rule out brain tumor or other disease process that might be triggering early puberty. The reason why this is important is that growth stops once puberty concludes, so children with very early onset puberty tend to be shorter than their peers.

What can you do to treat your daughter that is going through puberty at 6 years old Precocious puberty?

i think that over all the best thing to do is to just be there for her, and explain what is happening to her in a way that she will understand. i hope this helps

How is precocious puberty diagnosed?

Physical exams can reveal characteristics of puberty, bone x rays can reveal bone age, and pelvic ultrasound, MRI or CAT scans may rule out tumors. Blood tests can determine hormone levels.

If a boy starts to get underarm hair when he is eleven does it mean he will stop growing early?

No it doesn't, because it is normal for boys to start getting hair under his arms and in the pubic region at 11. This hair is normally straight, fine and non-pigmented hair and it signals the start of early puberty. When a boy goes through "precocious" puberty, that is, starts puberty earlier than 9 years of age, they run the risk of not growing as tall as their peers This is because when puberty completes, the growth plates on the bones close and stop growing in length. Precocious puberty is a treatable medical condition, and boys showing signs of puberty at a very young age should be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist to address the possible complications.