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Q: Two factors that can lead to stimulus adaptation?
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There are two possible factors that lead to software reload: The software may have encountered a problem or a recently added application may have exceeded the amount of allowed user data.

What two process are involved adaptation?

Assimilation and accomodation are involved in adaptation.

Negative conditioned reflexes or inhibition of conditioned reflexes?

The established conditioned reflexes can be inhibited by some factors. The inhibition is of two types. External or indirect inhibition Internal or direct inhibition External or indirect inhibitionThe established conditioned reflex is inhibited by some form of stimulus, which is quite different from the conditioned stimulus. It is not related to conditioned stimulus. For example, some disturbing factors like sudden entrance of a stranger, sudden noise, or a strong smell can abolish the conditioned reflex and inhibit salivary secretion. The extra stimulus evokes the animal's curiosity and distracts the attention. According to Pavlov, this evokes an investigatory reflex. If the extra (inhibitory) stimulus is repeated for some time, its inhibitory effect gets weakened or abolished. Internal or direct inhibition There are four ways in which, the established conditioned reflex is abolished by direct or internal factors, which are related to the conditioned stimulus.

Two dissimilar individuals are crossed in the process of?

When two dissimilar individuals are crossed in a process, it can lead to genetic variation and potentially produce offspring with a combination of traits from each parent. This can lead to increased diversity within a population, which can be beneficial for adaptation and survival in changing environments.

Which part of the body is least able to distinguish a one-point stimulus from a two-point stimulus?

The back is least able to distinguish a one-point stimulus from a two-point stimulus due to its lower density of touch receptors compared to areas like the fingertips or lips.

A sentence with adaptation in it?

An adaptation is an adjustment to a situation. Two related words to adaptation are transformation and modification. "Working the graveyard shift required an adaptation in my sleeping schedule."

To promote classical conditioning what is the order in which a neutral stimulus should be linked to an unconditional stimulus?

the neutral stimulus should precede the unconditioned stimulus by a fraction of a secong

What occurs when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented with the unconditioned stimulus?

Through repeated pairing, the conditioned stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus, resulting in the conditioned stimulus elicing the conditioned response on its own. This process is known as classical conditioning and involves the formation of a learned association between the two stimuli.

What is principle conditioning?

Pavlovian or classical conditioning is a type of learning where an individual comes to associate two different stimuli. This process involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. The neutral stimulus eventually becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.