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King cobras adapt to their environment in many ways. These cobras can move quickly through the trees, land, and water. They have patterned hoods that can confuse enemies. King cobras have poisonous venom and sharp fangs that can take down their prey. They also can use most tree matter like leaves to make their nests on the ground.

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Q: What are some adaptation for a king cobra?
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What are the adaptations for a king cobra?

Structural adaptations of a king cobra include its forked tongue, hood, size, fang, and color. Each of these helps the snake evade and avoid predators and assists in its hunting.

What are some species of Cobras?

Some species of Cobra are: * King cobra * Spitting cobra * Burrowing cobra * American cobra or eastern coral snake

What is the anatomy of a king cobra?

King Cobra

Is a king cobra cannibalistic?

A king cobra will eat other snakes smaller than it,but there is no recorded case where a king cobra has eaten another king cobra.

What are some habitats of a king cobra?

under a rock

What do you call a king cobra in Hindi?

king cobra

Is the king cobra endangered?

No, the King Cobra is not endangered.

Is a king cobra a frog?

No, a king cobra is not a frog.

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Is the king cobra a cobra?

If you go to the zoo, they might negotiate with you, but the king cobra would be very expensive.

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