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The noun 'bullet' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.

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Q: What classification of a noun is bullet?
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Is bullet a concrete noun?

A concrete noun refers to something that can be experienced through the senses. The term bullet is a noun which describes an object that can be experienced through senses of touch, sight, or smell. Therefore the word bullet is a concrete noun.Put simply, a concrete noun is a word which describes an actual, physical object: something we can see or touch, a material object, such as book, window, tree and so on.If a noun describes something we cannot see or touch, an intangible non-material concept such as the term conceptitself, or time, peace, stress and so on, this is referred to as an abstract noun.

What is a sentence for ricochet?

Ricochet is a noun and means to rebound at least once from a surface. "The hard surface caused the bullet to ricochet, which caused the soldier to be shot unintentionally by his friend." Or a verb. The bullet ricocheted off the hard surface...

Does a bullet train travel faster than a bullet?

bullet trains travel at 96.5 percent the speeed of a bullet No it doesn't. A bullet train does around 190mph normally and can reach 275mph. Depending on calibre, a rifle bullet travels at 1,500-2,000mph. So on average, a bullet train travelling at normal speed travels at between 9.5 and 12.6% of the speed of a rifle bullet.

What is the difference between a 9mm bullet and a 45 cal bullet?

Generally speaking, the .45 caliber bullet is larger in diameter and heavier than a 9mm bullet.

When a bullet is fired from a rifle does the bullet have a greater momentum and kinetic energy than the rifle?

The momenta of the rifle and the bullet are equal and opposite. The bullet has greater kinetic energy than the rifle.

Related questions

What is the definition of classification of noun?

Classification of a noun is the ability to say what kind of noun it is: common, proper, concrete, collective, material, abstract, etc.

What is the classification of noun is luggage?

The noun luggage is a common, concrete, mass noun.

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The word "sponsor" is a common noun.

What is the abstract noun for Classify?

The abstract noun form of the verb to 'classify' is classification.

Is genre a noun?

Yes, it is a noun, meaning a category or style. It is a classification by type or characteristic.

What classification is piano?

piano is a common singular noun

Is the beginning letter of a bullet capitalized?

No. It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Example: The Magic Bullet Blender

Is gender an adjective?

No, it is not. Gender is a noun (male-female classification).

Is category an adjective?

No, it is a noun (a genre or classification). When used with another noun (e.g. category listings), it is functioning as a noun adjunct, rather than an adjective.

Is bullet a concrete noun?

A concrete noun refers to something that can be experienced through the senses. The term bullet is a noun which describes an object that can be experienced through senses of touch, sight, or smell. Therefore the word bullet is a concrete noun.Put simply, a concrete noun is a word which describes an actual, physical object: something we can see or touch, a material object, such as book, window, tree and so on.If a noun describes something we cannot see or touch, an intangible non-material concept such as the term conceptitself, or time, peace, stress and so on, this is referred to as an abstract noun.

Is species a noun?

Yes, species is both a singular and plural noun. It is used to designate a single taxonomic classification for an organism.

Is pigeon an adjective?

No, it is a noun, referring to a classification of birds. It can be used as a noun adjunct in such terms as pigeon droppings and pigeon coop.