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clock is type of measuring device that you can use to see the time

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Q: What type of measuring device is clock?
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What type of measuring device is Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast?

A time measuring device. Also known as a clock

What is speed measuring device?

Table clock

What is the most accurate measuring device?

An atomic clock the most accurate time measuring device. It uses an electronic transition frequency in the optical, ultraviolet, or microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum of atoms.

What is a five letter word for a measuring device?

Ruler, Clock, Timer, Meter, Scale, Level, SQUID, Buret

What type of device helps in measuring brain pulse?

an ecg machine

What does the suffix chron- mean?

Time. Chronology is a sequence of events. A chronometer is a device for measuring time, typically a wrist watch or clock.

What type of timing device was used in 1400s?

the shadow clock was used in 1400.

What is the most accurate time keeping device?

Atomic clocks are considered the most accurate timekeeping devices. They use the vibrations of atoms to keep time, which are incredibly consistent and reliable. These clocks are used in GPS systems, telecommunications networks, and scientific research.

A clock refers to something which is worn on the person?

In general usage today, however, a "clock" refers to any device for measuring and displaying the time which unlike a watch is not worn on the person. False (PCH)

Who is invented the measuring device?

The measuring device was not invented by a single person. Throughout history, various individuals contributed to the development of different measuring instruments such as rulers, tape measures, and thermometers. These inventions have evolved over time to become the measuring devices we use today.

Information of time-measuring devices?

Time-measuring devices are instruments used to track and display time. Common examples include clocks, watches, hourglasses, sundials, and digital timers. These devices are crucial for activities that require precise timing, such as scheduling appointments, managing work hours, or tracking athletic performance.

What device is used for measuring earthquake?

The device used for measuring earthquakes is called a seismometer.