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There are many different types of head pains, or cephalalgia, including headaches and migraines. Although there are many different types of migraines, in general, migraines only have pain on one side of the head while both sides of the head are affected by headaches.

Migraines also have other symptoms such as sudden extreme sensitivity to light and sound; nausea; dizziness; vomiting and eye pain. People who suffer from migraines are called migraineurs. The worst type of headache is called a cluster headache, which comes about one or two hours after a person falls asleep. The pain is so intense that it has been described as worse than childbirth.

Causes and Risk Factors

Headaches are caused by a variety of factors, including concussion, and infection or tumors. One of the most common types is called tension-type headache, which is caused by a strain of the shoulders, neck and upper back. People in offices that sit in front of computers for hours are prone to this type of headache.

It is unknown what causes most types of migraines, although most types run in families. The exact cause of a migraine is unknown, although more women than men are affected. Eating certain foods or being in certain situations may trigger a migraine attack. For example, many women get a migraine during their pre-menstrual phase. Others may get a migraine after drinking red wine. Each migraineur has unique triggers or combination of triggers.


Treatment for headaches depends on the cause. Some people may need an over the counter painkiller and a nap while worst case scenarios would need immediate hospitalization and surgery. If a headache does not go away with over the counter painkillers, seek medical attention immediately.

Treating migraines can be complicated. Migraineurs are encouraged to keep a migraine journal, noting what they ate, what the weather was like or what was happening directly before migraine attacks. Migraineurs soon learn when their bodies are warning them that an attack is immanent. It is then they take medication in order to curb the attack. If this does not work, migraineurs may have to go to the hospital to take opiods when they suffer from attacks.

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Q: What You Need to Know About Headaches and Migraines?
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I've found that eucalyptus and peppermint are great scents for helping headaches and migraines. You can also purchase oils in these scents that you can apply directly to your head for when you need to be somewhere that won't allow candles.

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Fevers do not cause headaches directly. Generally speaking (with the exception of true migraines), both fevers and headaches are symptoms of underlying problems.

Can epilepsy cause the patient to suffer migraine symptoms?

Yes. People with seizure disorders often state they see or feel an "aura." Seizure aura can be similar to migraine aura, or they can vary widely - having to do more with feeling a certain feeling like fear or deja vu. There is a specific type of migraine variant called Migralepsy, during which patients with experience both migraine and seizures. For some people, the migraine is almost a warning sign of impending seizure.

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The name for recurrent type of headache?

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