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Dorsalis paedis

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Q: What is the function of the anterior tibial artery?
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What is the pathway from the heart to the right foot?

Blood goes into the Aorta from the heart. Then enters into Common iliac arteries, external iliac arteries, femoral artery, popliteal artery, and then it goes into the anterior tibial and posterior tibial arteries which supply the foot.

How do you trace the blood from the femoral artery to the right big toe?

Blood flow in the leg begins at the femoral artery. From there, it runs to the popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery, dorsalis pedis artery, and finally, the dorsal metatarsal arteries.

What is the function of the anterior communicating artery?

It connects left and right anterior cerebral arteries

Artery serves the posterior thigh?

I believe that is the Femoral artery.

What are the eight locations where pulses can be detected?

1. Radial artery 2. Carotid artery 3. Brachial artery 4. Temporal 5. Femoral 6. Popliteal 7. Posterior tibial 8. Pedal arteries

Three veins serving the leg?

The three main veins serving the leg are the anterior tibial vein, posterior tibial vein, and peroneal vein. They are responsible for returning blood from the lower leg back to the heart.

What four veins serve the leg?

femoral, posterior tibial, anterior tibial

What contributes to the formation of the popliteal vein?

The popliteal vein carries blood from the knee to the thigh and calf muscles and ultimately to the heart. The vein is formed from the merging of the two posterior tibial veins and ends as it merges in to the femoral vein.

Which artery supplies the soleus muscle?

Posterior tibial artery and peroneal artery.

What is the artery above the medial malleolus?

Posterior tibial artery.

What does the Anterior tibial drains into?

popliteal vein

Is there a pressure point in your foot?

Yeah there is a pressure point on your wrist, it is between the wrist bone and the tendon farthest away from it.