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He predicted that the proletariat would be triumphant.

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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels predicted that the communist revolution would first occur in advanced capitalist societies where the working class was most developed, such as Western Europe. They believed that the working class would eventually rise up against the bourgeoisie to establish a socialist system.

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2y ago

he believed that the proletariat would over throw capitalism and establish a classless society.

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im trying to figure out the same thing right now!

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Karl Marx predicted that the working class, or proletariat, would eventually rise up in a revolution against the capitalist system, overthrow the ruling class, and establish a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned.

How did Karl marx and friedrich engles try to correct the ills of industrialization?

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What did Karl Marx believed would happen in a true communist economy.?

Most notably was the withering away of the State.