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Q: A change in the environment causes living things to respond to external stimuli?
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Change in their environment causes living things to respond to external stimuli?

Change in the environment is external stimuli and the response of life to external stimuli is adaptation or extinction.

Which of these occurs when an organism responds to external or internal stimuli?

Anything in an organism's external environment that causes the organism to react is a stimulus. a reaciton to a stimulus is a response. The ability to respond to stimuli in the environment is an important characteristic of living things

How does the respiratory system to internal and external stimuli?

how can respiatory system respond to internal and external stimuli

Can hormones be secreted in response to external stimuli?

yes hormones can be secreted in response to external stimuli. the bast example is adrenal hormone. whenever you are afraid of some external causes it gets released

What causes cussing?

Vocalization of an expletive typically occurs in response to unfavorable external stimuli.

What is autonomic movement in plants?

autonomic movment due to interal causes and paratonic movment due external caues

How do stimulus respond to human body?

a stimulus is an external factor that causes the nerve endings in your sesnse organ to send an electric impulse

What is change in the surrounding that causes an organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.

What is a change in an organism's surroundings the causes the organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.

What is the change in a organisms surroundings that causes the organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.

What is change in an organism's surroundings that causes the organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.

Anything a organism responds to is a?

stimuli? yea that's what i thought but im not so sure...