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It happens during interphase of the cell cycle.

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Q: Does DNA replication happen before or during Meiosis?
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What stage of mitosis does replication happen in?

Replication does not take place during mitosis. It takes place before meiosis begins.

When does replication happen during mitosis or meiosis?

replications occurs in both meiosis and mitosis during the S portion of interphase.

What must happen before meiosis begins?

A duplication of the chromosomes is what must happen before meiosis can begin.

How many times does DNA replicate in mitosis?

DNA replication occurs once during mitosis. Replication also occurs once during meiosis even though there are 2 divisions that happen.

What mutations occur during cell division?

mutation is change and it doesnt happen during division. You must have got confused

What k must happen before meiosis can begin?

A duplication of the chromosomes is what must happen before meiosis can begin.

What is copied before mitosis begins?

DNA, the genetic material, of course. Also mitochondria and chloroplasts need to divide. This is the process of mitosis where two daughter cells are produced and both will need the complete complement of genetic material; DNA.

What must happen before meiosis can begin?

DNA replicates and forms tetrad—APEX.

What will happen during DNA replication?

You DNA will be replicated

What must happen before meiosis happen?

Before Meiosis 2, the cell must first go through Meiosis 1. This is when the cell splits into two cells, each with two chromosomes.

What happens during the first division of meiosis that does not happen in meiosis?

In Meiosis I: Separates homologous chromosomes In Meiosis II: Separates sister chromatids

What happen to the organism when something goes wrong during meiosis?

it can go really weird