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The rate of absorption of alcohol is basically how fast you get drunk (On the other hand, the rate of metabolism controls how soon you get sober).

Many factors affect just how quickly you get drunk, how fast you sober up, and when all the alcohol is finally eliminated from your body. These 3 stages are known as Absorption, Distribution and Elimination.
  1. Absorption is the passage of alcohol into the blood.
  2. Distribution is the temporary placement of alcohol into body tissues.
  3. Elimination is the removal of alcohol from the body

The BAC or blood alcohol concentration (what cops check for) reflects the amount of alcohol in the body at a given moment.

Major factors that influence the BAC and all stages of alcohol in the body are:
  • amount of food in the stomach ( the more food the slower the absorption)
  • type and quantity of alcohol
  • weight
  • gender

Use the Blood Alcohol Calculator below (click on link) to estimate your blood alcohol level at a given time.
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14y ago

Your gender: The average adult male is made up of 66% fluid, compared to 55% for women. This means any alcohol intake winds up more diluted in the bloke's body. As a result, women are more likely to get drunk faster than men on the same booze intake. Your age: Sensible drinking guidelines are aimed at people aged 18 and above. This is because we all mature at different rates, which includes your liver development - crucial in the processing of alcohol in the body. Your physical shape: Your size, weight and height influence the effect of alcohol on your body. The bigger you are, the more blood you have in your body. This means that as you drink, the alcohol concentration in your bloodstream will rise at a slower rate that your short-ass boozing buddy. Your relationship with drink: Drink on a regular basis and your mind and body can become tolerant to alcohol. This means it gets used to the presence of booze and encourages you to drink more to feel the same effect. So if you're drinking with someone who's never had a pint before, chances are they'll hit the floor before you can say: 'same again, then?' The type of drink: The effects of some alcoholic drinks work faster than others. For example, the body absorbs fizzy drinks such as alcopops, champagne or cider, more rapidly than stuff like wine or whiskey. Also consider the percentage alcohol per volume of your chosen tipple. The greater the percentage, the less you need to feel the effects. The rate you drink: The faster you drink, the quicker the effects kick in, but it may also take you by surprise. So pace yourself, people. When you last ate: Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream via the stomach. So if you haven't eaten, the drink could go straight to your head. If you know you're going to be drinking, eat a decent meal first to help slow down the absorption rate. Your mood: Alcohol is a depressant drug, so if you're down when you're drinking then chances are you'll wind up feeling worse. Who you're with: The effects of drinking alcohol are more likely to be apparent if you're mixing with people at the time. This is because we tend to be more outwardly expressive around others. Where you're at: If you're sitting in the pub with mates, then chances are you're going to be supping on something. Had you met at the gym, this wouldn't be happening

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