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The elements of a compound cannot be separated from one another by physical means because they are chemically combined. Separation of compounds is done using chemical means.

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āˆ™ 9y ago
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āˆ™ 13y ago

But you should also consider Pyrolysis (the determination of a material by destructive heat), and Plasma (the break-up of a material in a plasma torch).

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Q: Why can't the elements of a compound be separated from one another by physical means?
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A substance made up of two or more elements are called?

molecule/s Compound Covalent Compound Ionic Compound or just a plain mixture. Metallic elements can be made into an alloy. Non Metallic elements might be made into a glass or ceramic

When elements form compounds what do the elements do?

When an element enters into a compound, a chemical reaction occurs. This means that the elements chemically combine and sub-atomic particles transfer between the elements involved. An Example of a Compound: Sodium Chloride (Table Salt): Sodium + Chlorine --> Sodium Chloride

Elements are composed of atoms and compounds are composed of?

Elements are atoms, atoms are elements. Elements are not larger objects made up of smaller things (atoms). Elements are specific species' atoms, which have a specific atomic mass which gives rise to the characteristics of the element. Compounds are composed of elements. It is important to note the difference between a compound and a molecule; the words, although often used interchangeably, have aspecific meaning in chemistry. A molecule is a certain type of compound in which the elements have bonded covalently. As such, all compounds are not molecules, but all molecules are compounds.

What does divide mean in science?

One watershed is separated from another by a ridge of land

How can sugar and water be separated?

Sugar and water can be separated by using a couple different methods. One method is by using an apparatus for distillation. Another is by using evaporation.

Related questions

How can you distinguish a compound from a mixture?

In a compound the component elements are chemically bonded together in a fixed whole number ratio and definite structure. In a mixture the components are not chemically bonded together, the ratio is variable, and there is usually not a fixed structure.

How is a mixture differnt from a compound?

A compound is a combination of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together in a fixed whole number ratio. A mixture is composed of two or more substances (elements or compounds) mixed together, but not chemically bonded to one another and are generally not in a fixed ratio. Unlike a compound, the components of a mixture can be separated by physical means.

What cant be separated into simpler substances or converted into another substance by chemical processes out of elements compound solution suspension and colloid?

Elements cannot be separated into simpler substances or converted into another substance by chemical processes. Elements are the building blocks of matter and are represented on the periodic table by unique symbols.

What is the difference between solutions and compounds?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture where one substance dissolves in another. A compound, on the other hand, is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio. In a compound, the elements cannot be easily separated by physical means, while in a solution, the components can be separated by physical processes like evaporation or filtration.

How can you separate a compound into its elements?

One way to separate a compound into its elements is by using chemical reactions that break down the compound into its individual elements. Another method is through physical processes like distillation, filtration, or electrolysis. Each method depends on the specific properties of the compound and its constituent elements.

How are solutions different from compounds?

A compound is 2 or more elements that are chemically bound to form a new form of material. Water for example is a compound that is made up from the elements oxygen and hydrogen. A solution on the other hand is a material that has had another material dissolved in it. for example salt in water, they do not actually combine to form a new material they just coexist and can be separated using physical means.

How do elements remain elements?

by not forming a compound or mixture with another element

Is the elements ability to form a compound with chlorine a physical property?

No, the ability of an element to form a compound with chlorine is a chemical property. It describes how an element interacts with another substance (chlorine in this case) to form a new compound with different properties than the original elements.

What elements and compounds can move from on phase to another?

Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase when physical forces are present.

Why are elements and compounds considered as substances?

because if the substances is bonded to another substance its a compound

What is difference between a compound and solution?

A compound is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in fixed proportions. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances where one substance (solute) is dissolved in another substance (solvent).

Can a compound be separated into simpler substances or converted into another substance by chemical processes?

Yes , that is part of the definition of a compound.