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Peahens dont have that many feathers. They are like a hen. Peacocks (a male peacock) are the only birds that have big feather that spread out in the back.

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Peahens (female peafowl) do not have spurs.

Only the peacocks (male peafowl) have spurs.

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Q: Do female peacocks spread their back feathers?
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Do peacocks have any distinguishing external Characteristics?

Yes they have those big feathers on their back

How do peacocks react when someone is on their territory?

they start swaking and the feathers in the back go up that bascally being alert

Black vulture how male and female are different?

The female of the species has an orifice at the section of the back that connects to the tail feathers. If you pull the feathers aside with a fingertip you can see the actual vagina like orifice.

When do peacocks molt?

yes, in an extreme vanilla way. Answer The male will shed his beautiful plumage at the end of the mating season. This is usually when the days start to get shorter, 1 to 2 months after the longest day of summer. The hen will also do an early spring moult. == ==

Why do peacocks have a yellow back?


How do peacocks attract a mate?

During the breeding season, peacocks choose special places to perform their courtship dance and they tend to return to the same location year after year. Other males may be doing the same thing close by and peahens will window-shop-the peacock with the best display wins.When a peahen comes close enough, the peacock turns his back and brings his train erect, displaying the underlying tail feathers and his dark wings, which he flutters rapidly, From this angle, the brilliant colours of the display feathers can't be seen-the bird is predominantly grey and brown. The peacock steps from side to side and sometimes moves forward or backward a few steps.When the peahen comes closer still, the peacock backs up towards her, and when she avoids him, he turns, revealing all his colour and holding his wings still. He then drops the great fan down on top of the female. It quivers, making a rustling sound.The peahen may mate with the peacock, or she may simply walk away or stand still, whereupon the male starts over, turning his back again and resuming the rapid fluttering of his wings. The peacock can hold his fan of display feathers up for a very long time.For reasons that are not well understood, peahens tend to mate with peacocks with the most eye-spots.

How do you determine the gender of a peacock chick?

The peacock chick gender can be determined The male chick of 30 days old carry barred feathers across the back of the bird and chestnut primary feathers/ The female chick will have solid back. sathyanarayana, Chennai email

Does whale has backbones or feathers?

neither, they have no back bone and certainly no feathers

How do you treat a chicken's back where the rooster has worn her feathers off?

The loss of feathers on a hens back although not pretty to look at is not usually bad. You can separate the hen from the rooster for awhile and the feathers will grow back.

What are some of the peacocks characteristics?

The male peafowl is known as a peacock and a female is known as a peahen.Even though they stay mostly on the ground, peafowl can fly. They actually sleep in trees or other roosting spots off the ground.Peacocks use their beautiful tail feathers to attract females (peahens) in breeding season. They raise and fan the feathers out, prance and strut while intermittently shaking their wing and tail feathers rapidly which makes a loud rustling sound as they pose and show off their striking feathers. They actually can seem somewhat vain and proud of how they look to the "ladies".Peafowl love to eat cat food and dog food as snacks but mostly eat cracked corn and other grains as well as bugs, grubs and worms. They are good to have to keep pests from the garden.The peacock's call is a loud repetitive and shrill "scream" that many have mistaken for a woman's screaming.Peafowl make good "watch dogs" and will raise a real ruckus if there is unexpected activity at night near their roosts.Downy Peachicks can plump up their down feathers making them look fluffy, fat, and round, about the size of a softball. They stay very busy imitating the adults pecking and pecking at this and that speck on the ground, and can be very competitive when an insect or other yummy treat is spied in their pecking area.Peafowl aren't always the brightly colored birds we typically see; some are bred to be pure white. But, there are only three naturally bred peacocks. The Indian Blue one, the Java Green one, and the Congo peafowl.Peacocks use their long tail feathers to attract peahens for mating. They raise them and fan them and strut around showing off. While they do this they also will intermittently shake their tails and wings to make a loud rustling sound to get attention. They also will turn their backs to the females while this ritual is ongoing so they can wag their short tail feathers that are underneath the long ones quickly back and forth, which also adds to the rustling sounds of the feathers. The girls seem to really like this part of the dance.A group of peafowl is called a party.only the males have a train or long feathers, the peafowl doen't.

What does eiderdown come from?

Eiderdown are the soft feathers that come from the breast of a female eider duck. The word eiderdown itself has origins that date back to around 1765 to 1775.

What gland is used for preening?

The uropygial or preening glandis used for preening. Most birds have this preening gland on the back of their tailbase. It secrets an oily substance that is spread over the birds feathers