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In general organic compounds / substances / materials contain carbon atoms bonded with other atoms and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds.

Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).

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1w ago

Organic compounds contain carbon atoms, often bonded to hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Inorganic compounds do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds and can include elements such as metals, salts, and minerals. Organic compounds are typically associated with living organisms, while inorganic compounds are commonly found in non-living matter like rocks and minerals.

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10y ago

Basically, all organic compounds have carbon and organic chemistry is the study of carbon based comounds. Inorganic generally do not contain carbon (with exceptions being carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, metal carbonates, metal bicarbonates and metal carbides).

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11y ago

Organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen. Inorganic compounds do not contain carbon and hydrogen together.

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Q: Describe the differences between an organic and an inorganic compound?
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Physical differences between organic and inorganic compound?

Organic compounds are generally composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms, often with other elements like oxygen and nitrogen. Inorganic compounds, on the other hand, can contain a wider range of elements including metals and non-metals. Organic compounds are typically associated with living organisms, while inorganic compounds are commonly found in non-living matter. Organic compounds tend to have covalent bonds, while inorganic compounds can have a variety of bonding types, including ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.

Are ionic organic compounds and inorganic compounds the same?

No. The difference between an organic and an inorganic compound, ionic or otherwise, is that an organic compound contains carbon bonded with hydrogen while an inorganic compound does not.

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Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.

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Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.

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Differences between organic inorganic compound?

It's arbitrary (and some chemicals are classed as both);but in general organic is carbon molecules and/or those related to life.Inorganic is everything else.

Differences between an organic molecule and a inorganic molecule?

Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not (though there are some exceptions).

The primary differences between inorganic and organic chemical compounds?

organic compounds have carbon - hydrogen bonds, inorganic may not have this

What are the significant difference between organic and inorganic compound?

Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not (though there are some exceptions).

What is the rate of reaction between organic and inorganic compound?

This depends on each chemical reaction.

Is KCL inorganic compound?

KCL is NOT an organic compound. It is an INORGANIC compound. Organic compounds are those contaning Carbon. KCL does NOT contain carbon, but Potassium(K) and Chlorine(Cl). It is the potassium equivalent of sodium chloride (NaCl) ; Common table salt.

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