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30 ft hole to hole

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How far apart is corn hole boards

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27’ front to front

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24 feet

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Q: How far apart do you put corn hole boards apart?
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What is cornhole?

WHAT IS CORNHOLE?- Cornhole or Corn Toss is similar to horseshoes except you use wooden boxes called cornhole platforms or boards and corn bags instead of horseshoes and metal stakes. Contestants take turns pitching their corn bags at the corn hole boards or platforms until a contestant reaches the score of 21 points. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Cornhole boards measure 2 feet wide by 4 feet long, and contain a 6" hole near the rear end of the board. The rear height is generally 12" tall. Boards are spaced 27 feet from front edge to front edge. For more information on Cornhole Game rules, board building information, a Cornhole Forum, or anything else related to the game, check out Cornhole History (as we know it) There are a few different accounts of the game's origins. One tale involves a nineteenth century Midwestern farmer by the name of Jebediah McGillicuddy. Some firmly believe that this individual concocted cornhole in his barn as a means of passing time with friends and family. There is no solid evidence to support either the existence of Jebediah or the involvement of any particular 1800s agriculturalist in the development of cornhole, though. The idea of someone named Jebediah with an Irish surname inventing the game after working the fields seems far-fetched to many. We do know that the first documented corn hole games popped up on the west side of Cincinnati. Corn hole became a popular community and bar game in the area and developed a local following. Eventually, the "East Siders" caught on and baggo exploded across the city. It became a popular tailgating diversion at Cincinnati Bengals' games. People making the trip into Cinci for NFL action saw the game for the first time, grew interested, and helped in its spread. ---- I think has pretty good cornhole equipment!

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