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No it isn't. Any alcohol (that doesn't have highly electronegatvie groups like -Cl or -NO2) isn't neither acid nor base. They are something like water (something like "amphoteric" compounds). They can accept proton (hydrogen cation) or they can give proton if they react with a strong base.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Organic compounds are compounds whose elemental composition are primarily made of carbon. Isopropyl alcohol (formerly known as isopropanol) is composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen (the reduced formula is C3H8O). Therefore, isopropanol is organic.

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3d ago

Isopropyl alcohol is considered inorganic because it does not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds typically found in organic compounds.

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14y ago

Yes. It is organic and can dissolve many other substances.

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10y ago

Organic, because the alcohol molecule includes carbon atoms.

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8y ago

CH3CHOHCH3 is propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) thus organic

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8y ago

Since it has carbon in it, it is by definition organic. C3H7OH.

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Q: Is isopropyl alcohol organic or inorganc?
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Is isopropyl a substance or a mixture?

Isopropyl alcohol is an organic compound, not a mixture.

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Isopropyl alcohol is an organic compound because it contains carbon atoms in its chemical structure. Organic compounds are generally defined as compounds that contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is isopropyl organic or inorganic?

Organic, because the alcohol molecule includes carbon atoms.

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Rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, is an organic compound. It is a clear, colorless liquid that has a chemical formula of C3H8O.

Is isopropyl alcohol mixture or a substance?

Isopropyl alcohol is an organic compound made in a hydrogen reaction by mixing water and propene. 2-propanol is the official name of the alcohol.

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Isopropyl alcohol is a compound.

Can you mix isopropyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol?

Yes, ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are drinkable.

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Isopropyl alcohol is more polar than pentane. Isopropyl alcohol contains a hydroxyl group, which gives it a moderate level of polarity. Pentane, on the other hand, is a nonpolar molecule with only C-H bonds.

Is an organic compound necessarily living?

No. An organic compound is merely a compound that contains carbon and hydrogen bonded together. Common household organic compound include acetic acid (vinegar), isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), and acetone.

Is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is a solid or liquid?

Rubbing alcohol is a liquid.

Is isopropyl alcohol a mixture or pure substance?

Isopropyl alcohol itself a pure substance. It is a compound. However, it is sold as a mixture of the alcohol itself and water.

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iso HEET is 99% isopropyl alcohol