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some importance to organic chemistry ive learned while taking the process operating course in fortmcmurray, is that it is necessary to understand Organic chemistry in depth in understanding chemistry related to the processing of petroleum etc.

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15y ago
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14y ago

the organic chemistry &the organic material has lots of important in human life the food eaten by us is organic , cloth wear by us shelter for us, the medicine taken by human being all this thing are made up of organic matter.

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13y ago

Organic chemistry is very important. It is required for synthesis of most drugs including paracetamol and asprin. A lot of new high tech materials have some sort of organic compounds and organic chemistry. An example is breathalysers used by the police to test for alcohol.

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14y ago

Organics deals with compounds containing carbon (as opposed to inorganics, where compounds don't contain carbon).

With the exception of water, everything in your body is organic. Everything in animals, and plants is organic. Medicines, foods, treatment chemicals (not quite so much, some inorganics there). All are organic.

Thus, organic chemistry is the chemistry of life. Hence the name, 'organic'.

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13y ago

One way in which analytical is useful in organic chemistry is that we can't really 'look' at molecules under a microscope, so in order to determine the products of a synthesis, we need to turn to spectroscopy to tell us more about our product. See: NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy, and mass spec (GCMS).

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10y ago

An immense number of natural or artificial materials are inorganic compounds (or mixtures of these, or metals and alloys).

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because before going into organic chemistry you're expected to know subjects you learn in inorganic chemistry such as equilibrium, entropy, dipole moment, hybridization, bonding, etc.

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Q: What are the Importance of organic and inorganic chemistry?
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Examples: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, radiochemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, etc.

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What the importance of organic and inorganic to living organism?Read more: What_the_importance_of_organic_and_inorganic_to_living_organism

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What does inorganic branch of chemistry study?

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