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The ordinary dish has a relatively high coefficient of thermal expansion, relatively low thermal conductivity, and is brittle with no yield point. The bottom will get hot while the top remains cool causing tension stress on the top surface which can break the glass due to it relatively low tension strength, especially if it is scratched

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it will crack and break

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b/c the heat transfers

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Q: What causes a glass bowl to get hot when its on a hot plate?
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A non example of a hot plate?

A cool glass is a non-example of a hot plate.

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Liquid glass has more thermal energy because it's really hot. A normal glass bowl isn't as hot as liquid glass.

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On a plate or a bowl

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A hot plate.

What happens when you heat food on a glass plate?

If you put a fire under a glass plate or even put a glass plate in the oven it will heat up and break. Depending what is on the top of that plate it will more than likely catch on fire. If you're referring to the microwave then the food will get nice and hot.

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How do you separate 2 stainless steel bowls that have stuck together?

This method is safest with ceramics or plastics, and may not be advisable with glass or other easily-breakable materials. If the plate is stuck inside the bowl, fold a thick, plush towel in four on top of a counter or other hard surface. Hold the bowl by its base and turn it upside down (so the bowl's and plate's eating surfaces are facing the towel). Making sure your fingers won't get smashed, firmly but carefully bring the bowl-plate combo down onto the towel. Hopefully the plate will move within the bowl, or even come out, but it may take multiple strikes against the towel for the plate to come free. Be patient: don't try to do it all in one strike of the bowl-plate combo! This method works because, when the bowl stops when it hits the towel, the plate still has momentum so it keeps moving.

What causes different kinds of volcanic mountains?

it can be caused by many things, such as hot spots, convergent plate boundaries, and divergent plate boundaries

What is a scissor-cut rim on a glass bowl?

A scissor cut rim on glass is just that ... a rim cut with scissors, or more correctly shears, when the glass is hot and molten. It also means that it's hand made.

Why are the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Plate?

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Why should you never pour hot liquids into a cold drinks glass?

Most types of glass aren't designed for hot drinks. When one part of the glass is suddenly heated up other parts might not be, the stress put on the brittle glass causes it to crack or shatter possibly spraying people near by in hot liquid.