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Because living organisms have to expend energy in order to be alive, they require an input of energy - i.e the have to consume some source of energy ("eat") in order to survive - otherwise they run out of energy and die.

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7y ago
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2w ago

The first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, is crucial for understanding how energy flows in living organisms. Organisms obtain energy from food sources, convert it into usable forms, and then use it to carry out essential cellular functions. This law helps us understand the conservation of energy within living systems and how nutrients are transformed to sustain life processes.

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12y ago

The first law says that energy can't be created or destroyed. This is true everywhere, including in biological systems. So living things need to get their energy from somewhere. Plants get it by photosynthesis (absorbing the energy in sunlight). Other organisms get chemical energy by eating.

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11y ago

One of the principle characteristics of living organisms is that they change and/or cause change. All of those changes require the expenditure of energy. The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy had to come from somewhere. It does not just magically appear to meet the needs of living organisms. As a result, living organisms have to keep taking in energy in order to survive. That may be in the form of consuming food or by absorbing energy from the sun (think photosynthesis) but they have to obey the first law.

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12y ago

There are several ways that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is stated. The kelvin statement say that no process is possible where the sole effect is the total conversion of heat into work ie you can never make an 100% efficient engine.

Another statement is by Clausius. He said that no process is possible where the net result is the flow of heat from an object at temperature T1 to an object at temperature T2 if T2>T1. This means heat can only flow from hot to cold.

The entropy statement says that the entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease which prevents things (classically anyway) from spontaneously forming

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9y ago

The first law of thermodynamics is important because it is a core concept of physics . It says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. Energy can only be transferred into or out of a system.

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13y ago

The organism ultimately must obtain all of the necessary energy for life from its environment.

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12y ago

Because it's a core concept. Energy don't get transferred or transformed without interactions.

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10y ago

ti introduces the concept of internal energy and it tells that one form of energy can beconverted into another form

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7y ago

The importance of thermodynamics is quite fundamental - for example, all living beings need energy, and once the energy is used up, it becomes unusable energy.

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Do livings things have tin in them or do living things have a need for tin?

Living things do not have tin in them as an essential element for their biological functions. Tin is not typically a required nutrient for living organisms, and it is not known to play a vital role in any biological processes.

What are microscopic particles?

Microscopic particles are very small pieces of matter that are not visible to the naked eye. These particles can include atoms, molecules, and other tiny structures that are studied in fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology. They play important roles in various natural processes and are essential building blocks for all living organisms.

What are three invisible things that make up our environment?

Air - an invisible mixture of gases that we breathe and is essential for life. Electromagnetic fields - invisible forces that surround us, created by the movement of electrically charged particles. Microorganisms - invisible to the naked eye, these tiny living organisms are found everywhere in our environment and play a crucial role in ecosystems.

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The first scene of a play sets the tone, introduces key characters and themes, and establishes the setting. It often foreshadows events to come and can provide vital context for the rest of the play. In reference to the whole play, the first scene serves as a foundation for the unfolding narrative and helps to hook the audience's attention from the beginning.

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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the primary compound used to store energy in organisms. Other compounds, such as creatine phosphate, glycogen, and triglycerides, also play a role in storing and releasing energy when needed.

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